Great collection of information about star trek! It includes information that wouldn't be listed on the show, but would be known to the backstage actors.
Great collection of information about star trek! It includes information that wouldn't be listed on the show, but would be known to the backstage actors.
As per previous post, about #YouAreCordiallyInvited, my favourite bit of the episode is when Lieutenant Manuele Atoa does the Samoan Fire Knife dance and Jadzia says it gives her something pretty to look at. Agreed 100%
1️⃣ Evidently 🖖 (fixed the pic)
2️⃣ Bún chả giò, gà nướng (Vietnamese vermicelli bowl with spring rolls & grilled chicken)
3️⃣ Yes! Usually done by first week of December, so I can avoid the malls during the Holidays. That's how much I hate it.
4️⃣ Groceries, son's hair cut, house work, cooking, Sunday dinner
5️⃣ Yes, indeed!!!
#humpdaypost @MinDea
As I said yesterday in @BarbaraTheBibliophage's original post, if I were to "beam into" anywhere, it would be into where beaming takes place, i.e. the United Federation of Planets, because non-capitalistic economy, advanced and free healthcare, the Prime Directive and Vulcans. And yes, the UFP and Star Trek are books too. I will not budge on that position. Also, Spock.
Happy 50th anniversary to a show that quite literally changed the sci fi world! A show that taught me that it was cool to be different and smart and thoughtful about the world and the universe. A show that predicted some of the incredible technology we have today. But most importantly a show that made it wonderful and fun to be a true nerd. Truly Star Trek has Lived Long and Prospered and I hope does for millions of years to come! #startrek50
Sunday night I was like "girl, if you ever want to write fanfic you need to stop being afraid to write garbage for your first draft, otherwise it'll take you another 2 months to write a single chapter" so I put my mind to just writing instead of worrying about perfection. And in the last 48 hours I've banged out complete first drafts for FOUR of my prompts. People. Omg. I'm just. ECSTATIC. When you chill on "instant perfection", you get results.
K I've really got to start posting more about actual books, not just shirts. So here's one I got last weekend; dated, only includes first three series, but still extremely informative. I'll keep looking for the newer version that includes Voyager, but I couldn't pass this one up. 💫