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Joined March 2016

Limited means, large literary appetite
Spell on Wheels | Kate Leth
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Attention #comics fans!! Spell on Wheels is coming back this fall! I can‘t wait for more creepy, witchy shenanigans! #queerbooks

Mindelan I cannot wait to add this to my pull list. 5y
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Halfway through the year and the tracker is coming along nicely! Made my reading goal and my spread much more realistic this year! 😂 #bujo

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CouronneDhiver Truth! 5y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I CANNOT believe I waited so long to get into this series. Every minute of it is like the best Star Trek episodes— beautifully thorough characters and nuanced, hopeful exploration of the good and bad of humanity (or sapienity, really). I listened to quite a bit more than I planned to today, because someone was unexpectedly snuggly! #catsoflitsy

Broke_Girl_Reads @Mindelan I cannot describe the degree to which this series is your wheelhouse. The first one is 5y
Mindelan Yaass going to get on that tomorrow! 5y
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On the Come Up | Angie Thomas
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I was late to work a few times over this book, and once again I will miss Angie Thomas‘ characters now that I‘m finished. Bri was compelling, engaging, and impulsive in some ways I definitely related to (teenage me was not good at controlling her mouth). She‘s rough around the edges, and Angie explored the reasons why with empathy, respect, and a good amount of humor. Another slam dunk from the queen of YA!

kgriffith Have you read either of Elizabeth Acevedo's novels?? Both great for an Angie book hangover! I listened to both on audio and then bought them in hardcover. First was 5y
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kaysworld1 I am going to university to study law in 2020. I want to become a human right lawyer. I want to work with low income/ poor families, I will give them good, honest and fair representation. 👍 5y
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Undercover | Beth Kephart
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I first read Mary Oliver in the tagged book, and it felt like being struck by lightning. For years her work comforted me, reminded me how to be awestruck, and brought so much beauty into my life.
RIP Mary, and thank you for showing me my place in the family of things 💖

Broke_Girl_Reads @Bibliogeekery I‘m heartbroken 💔 6y
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And the final reading spread! I had to cheat and add my two current reads in pencil to fill out the shelf, but overall I get a lot of warm fuzzies from this page! Next year though, I will definitely be underestimating my total and adding books rather than racing to fill them up 😂 #bujo #2018reads #2018wrapup

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Here‘s my #2018wrapup — overall it was a good reading year! This is the first year I did any kind of tracking and I really enjoyed getting a deeper look at my habits. Here are my goals for next year:
📚use my kindle for at least 25% of my reads
📚read more nonfiction
📚read through Andrea Gibson‘s backlist

Lord of the Butterflies | Andrea Gibson
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So, so glad I decided to check out Andrea Gibson this year. It‘s been a long time since I discovered a new favorite poet. #poetry #queerbooks

farrahkohn I went to one of her readings last year in Minneapolis! 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @farrahkohn I got the book at a reading and I‘m so glad I got the chance to go to one! The place was packed but everyone was completely rapt. It was awesome 6y
farrahkohn @Broke_Girl_Reads yeah, there was a moment at the reading I attended during which she read a heavy poem, the room was so silent and still... it was lovely. 6y
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On a Sunbeam | Tillie Walden
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This story is so gorgeous! Quiet, immersive, and the perfect amount of gentle angst. I‘m reading the webcomic (which is FREE y‘all!) but I will definitely purchase in the future. #currentlyreading #graphicnovels #queerbooks

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Take Me With You | Andrea Gibson
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This is a small collection of short poems, but they pack quite a punch. Gibson will be visiting a bookstore near me soon, and I can‘t wait to hear some of their new work!
#poetry #queerbooks

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Illegal Contact | Santino Hassell

(To the tune of That‘s Amore)
🎵wheeeen the news is all trash 🎵
🎵 don‘t bang your head on the dash 🎵
🎵read a romance🎵
🎵Everything feels high stakes🎵
🎵but you deserve to take breaks🎵
🎵read some romance🎵

But actually, this book is delightful and just what the doctor ordered #romantsy #currentlyreading #queerbooks

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Happy #nationalcomingoutday litsy! To mark the occasion, I‘m sharing a few #queerbooks and other media that brought me moments of pride and joy (is there a queer essay collection called Pride and Joy yet? There should be).

LGBTQ2SIA+ Littens, whether you‘re out to yourself or out to the world, I‘m glad to be under the rainbow with you 💖🌈

WhatDeeReads I have watch The Emotion Picture no fewer than 30 times. I may watch it again today. 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @WhatDeeReads Same!! Janelle can do no wrong! 6y
CouronneDhiver Excuse my ignorance... what does the end of that acronym stand for? I know the LGBTQ part... 6y
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Broke_Girl_Reads @CouronneDhiver it‘s a fair question! 2S stands for Two Spirit, a respected gender identity among the indigenous people of North America. This is a good explainer on it: https://www.google.com/amp/s/newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday/api/amp/indiancount... 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @CouronneDhiver the I stands for Intersex, which is people who are born with bodies that aren‘t easily categorizable as biologically male or biologically female. And then the A is Asexual or Aromantic, people who don‘t experience sexual attraction, or don‘t experience romantic feelings 6y
hoggman @Broke_Girl_Reads although inclusion of the I is falling out of favor recently. I've heard from many more people who dont want to be included than who do, since theirs is a medical state, not a gender. (Not telling you off or anything, its not *wrong* anyway, just think its interesting) 6y
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The Argonauts | Maggie Nelson
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I‘m enjoying a lot of things about this book, but Nelson‘s sense of humor is probably my favorite thing about it so far #currentlyreading #nonfiction #queerbooks

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Nothing beats a vacation read! I‘ve been saving this period mystery for my weekend away, and I finally have a minute to start! #currentlyreading

Sing, Unburied, Sing | Jesmyn Ward
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And with that, the first page of my 2018 reading spread is complete! I‘ve had a bunch of dnfs that put me behind this year, but I still get a sense of accomplishment from looking at this page. #bujo

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Urgh, yes! I too have DNFed so many books! I kinda like that I feel like I can just do that now. 6y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag This is really pretty - do you do it every year? 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @thegirlwiththelibrarybag thank you! This is the first time I‘ve ever done it. I scrolled through the #Bujo tag on litsy after I bought my planner because I knew I wanted some reading related pages, and this one looked like one of the most fun! It‘s really nice to have everything I‘ve read this year available at a glance 6y
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Broke_Girl_Reads @thegirlwiththelibrarybag hard agree on giving yourself permission to DNF! I usually hang on too long out of some weird guilt about DNFs not “counting” as read, but it‘s still worth it to move on to a book I will actually enjoy! 6y
sebrittainclark I do something similar, but I color in the books I finish and leave the books I DNF plain. That way I'm still giving myself some credit (and the chance to finish them later if I want to try again). 6y
WhatDeeReads I count books I DNF. If I spent precious reading time on it, it counts. I only count the number of pages I read though. 6y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Yeah, I can tell I‘m not enjoying something if I‘m procrastinating reading. Time to return that book to the library and try something else. Bullet journaling is fantastic, I‘m in awe of all the pages I see ☺️ 6y
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Help me Littens! I‘m hoping to pick a spooky read for October‘s book club, but I‘m a HUGE WIMP. I love mysteries, and I‘m willing to try thrillers but I just can‘t handle straight up horror. Any slightly spooky recs?
Thank you!!

TheNeverendingTBR Clive Barker's - The Damnation Game 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker My library shared NPR list of 100 horror stories. Maybe that will help. Here is the link https://www.npr.org/2018/08/16/632779706/click-if-you-dare-100-favorite-horror-s... 6y
Copwithabook I loved this one. It‘s mystery and only slight horror/ghost story 6y
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DGRachel I thought this one was fun. A little spooky, really campy, and some great 80s nostalgia 6y
Joy0201 Turn of the Screw is a great spooky classic 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @trioxin_sematary @That-Bookish-Hiker @Copwithabook @DGRachel @Joy0201 thanks for all the recs! I‘ll be looking into all of them! 6y
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Billy: Roman | Einzlkind
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Ya girl finally moved into a place with more than one room, which means it‘s time for a REAL bookshelf! Welcome to the family Billy! I foresee many siblings coming to live with us in the near future 😍 #shelfie

ephemeralwaltz Love it! 6y
Megara 👏 Looks great! Enjoy the new space! 6y
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Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins | Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Travis McElroy
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Nothing brings me joy like those ding dang McElboys. Carrie Pack‘s art brought their first DND campaign to life, and I can‘t wait for them to continue on to Rockport: City of Industry! If you enjoy DND, or just tight knit crews going on big quests, this one will be a great fit for you! #thezonecast

Maike I love both the Podcast and the comic so much! Can‘t wait to see how the Rockport arc turns out in print 😊 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @Maike ditto! I think the initiation will be so cool as a visual too! I hope we don‘t have to wait 2 years for the next one!! 6y
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Eleanor Roosevelt has been a personal hero since I was a teen, but I had never learned about Hick, her whip smart, vivacious, hardworking butch reporter girlfriend. I loved getting a peek into their relationship, and the community of queer women activists that inspired both women to pursue progressive causes. The last third loses its focus on the titular couple, but it‘s still fascinating and worth the read! #queerbooks #nonfiction

Samplergal I liked this book. It was a lovely yet sad story. 6y
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I have never seen a better endorsement for loving cozy mysteries #currentlyreading #nonfiction #queerbooks

djh I love it when my memory is reawakened , and I realize that I have this book! Time to get reading!! 6y
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This is a tidbit I never learned in school! It‘s really interesting to read about a couple that inspires each other the way Eleanor and Hick did. I‘m not sure I‘ve seen relationships depicted this way in nonfiction before. #queerbooks #nonfiction #currentlyreading

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Just listened to a fantastic interview with Yrsa Daley-Ward! I‘ve read her poetry here and there on social media, but I‘ll now definitely be picking up her new memoir. #queerbooks #nonfiction

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Long Way Down | Jason Reynolds
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Promised myself I‘d take it slow, but here we are an hour later. Told in verse, Will‘s story is compact but deep enough to drown in.

Long Way Down | Jason Reynolds
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Long Way Down | Jason Reynolds
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Picked this one up today. What a beginning! #currentlyreading

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🍔 fun and fluffy summer read
🍔 Adorable f/f romance
🍔 MC also develops a sweet new friendship
🍔 Focus on self love/body positivity

If I have one nit to pick, it‘s that Jordi and Abby seem completely disconnected from any larger queer community. I find that a little harder to believe in the age of the internet, but I‘m sure it‘s true for many high schoolers. #queerbooks

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Anger Is a Gift | Mark Oshiro
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While I was reading this, my local school board voted to increase police presence in schools. Mark‘s intense debut could not have come at a better time. It‘s a love letter and a power anthem to queer teens of color, from someone with personal experience with police brutality. I can‘t wait for his next book. #queerbooks

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Anger Is a Gift | Mark Oshiro
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After DAYS of post office shenanigans, my preorder is FINALLY here!!! I‘ve been following Mark Oshiro‘s blog for years and I‘m thrilled to finally read his debut! #queerbooks

Mindelan AAAAH I cannot wait to read this while emoting wildly and loudly in typical Mark Reads fashion. 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @Mindelan yup. It‘s time for Mark to turn the tables and throw us into space 6y
dylanisreading Jealous! 6y
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Pro-Tip: do not read about 2 adorable super friends the day after your bff leaves for the Peace Corps

(But actually do, they‘re so freakin adorable)

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Gabby Rivera is 👑 #queerbooks

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This Ignatz award winning deliciousness came in the mail today! Can‘t wait to dive in!

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Damn. I would read an entire book just about this. Anybody know of any? #currentlyreading

Cinfhen @DeborahSmall check out the above text 6y
DeborahSmall 👍🏼 6y
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Bingo Love Ogn | Tee Franklin
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🎵public libra-a-ry🎵
🎵you know that I love you🎵
🎵I can‘t help myself🎵
🎵I love books and I lack self control🎵
(And there are still holds in transit oops)
#queerbooks #libraryhaul

JoScho I picked up a library hold and I am always amazed at just how amazing the library. I mean I can read all the books for free!! 6y
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When the Moon Was Ours | Anna-Marie McLemore
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#qgp2 returns!!! @jesstothefuture your package was perfectly timed— I finished my latest book last night. So excited to be connected back to the #queergoespostal circle!

Untitled | Unknown
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This was a lovely palate cleanser! Each short story features a happy queer relationship. A nice mix of meet-cutes and established relationships, and very diverse representation across the LGBTQA+ community. Some stories take place in original fantasy worlds, and I would pay for longer versions of those! It‘s not in the Litsy database, but you can find it on goodreads and amazon! #queerbooks

Eyelit Sounds good! Thanks for the heads up on where to find it 😃 6y
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The Belles | Dhonielle Clayton
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Clayton uses horror to gracefully expose some ugly truths about beauty, body image, sexism and racism. On top of that, she builds a vivid, irresistible world that‘ll suck you in in no time. This book is a beautiful nightmare, and it kept me up way past my bedtime.

🚨Be warned though, BIG TIME trigger warnings for on-page sexual assault and very graphic murder of queer side characters🚨

kgriffith Ugh, can we please stop murdering us ☹️ 7y
Broke_Girl_Reads @kgriffith yeah, this was a particularly rough one. Fans have approached the author about it though, and her response was actually really good. I think she gets that she used a harmful trope and she‘s going to do better in future 7y
kgriffith @Broke_Girl_Reads That‘s heartening, thanks for that 💜 7y
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rachelsbrittain Oh no! I started reading this one recently and was really hoping it would be a nice, happy read! I'm glad she's responded and seems to understand, but thanks for the trigger warning 6y
Broke_Girl_Reads @rachelsbrittain oh yeah, if you‘re looking for light and happy this is not the book for you right now. It‘s a great read, but I would definitely class it as a suspense/horror book 6y
rachelsbrittain @Broke_Girl_Reads yeah not exactly what I was expecting, but at least I'll be prepared for that now haha-- very glad I stumbled across your review 😊 6y
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Harry Potter: fun book | J.K. Rowling
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Non-book related, but hilarious!!
Mine is “Lily Grant, the one who is not worried about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
This is either foreshadowing, or my book is chill as hell. What‘s yours?

RiaWritten “Ria Hill, the girl who was not sure what to say.” Ouch. 7y
That-Bookish-Hiker Mine is, “Cristal, the girl who wears the black hair.” 7y
Tianarose Tiana Rose, The girl who has been to this one. 7y
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Megara Megara, the girl who was in my apartment. 😳 7y
Soubhiville Soubhi, the lady who did this for ya. 7y
BookBoggart Kayla, the girl who was a bit of a runny nose. Bahaha 7y
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A Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle
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I got here a half hour early because I thought it would be crowded... there are FOUR PEOPLE in this theater! I hope this movie gets the hype it deserves!

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This was such a joy to read. Alan‘s trip to discover his grandfather‘s history parallels beautifully with his own journey recovering from his father‘s abuse. His empathetic and loving nature shows through so clearly throughout, and I really got the feeling that he wrote this book to show other survivors his path to healing. Also, his relationship with his husband is such #relationshipgoals omg. #queerbooks #bisexualbooks

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The Belles | Dhonielle Clayton
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Finally jumping into this one! Im hooked already!

As the Crow Flies | Melanie Gillman
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Update: I am enjoying the heck out of this friendship #currentlyreading #queerbooks

As the Crow Flies | Melanie Gillman
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Parents LISTENING?!?? Now there‘s something you don‘t get much in books starring teens! #currentlyreading #queerbooks

As the Crow Flies | Melanie Gillman
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Today‘s #libraryhaul is a real beauty! Can‘t wait to dive into this one tonight. #bookdate #queerbooks

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I haven‘t read a good portal fantasy in a while and this book is really hitting the spot for me. It‘s a thrilling adventure and a beautiful aesthetic. Being late to the party on this one also means I don‘t have to wait for the rest of the series to get published! #currentlyreading

AmyG Good to know as I just got this in a swap. 7y
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The Belles | Dhonielle Clayton
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Had such a long work day today that I forgot I was expecting some #bookmail. It made for an awesome surprise when I got home!
(And yes, there are also books in my puzzle because I‘m living my life right)

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I no longer love her, that‘s certain, but maybe I love her. #poetrychallenge2018

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Finally getting started with #poetrychallenge2018 ! I read some Neruda in high school, and always meant to check out more of his work. I‘m glad this challenge motivated me to finally do it!

kgriffith I didn‘t know there‘s a challenge — I‘m taking a poetry course this semester! 7y
Broke_Girl_Reads @kgriffith @Natasha.C.Barnes is hosting! We‘re picking a different poet for each month and reading and sharing some of their work 7y
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The Refrigerator Monologues | Catherynne M. Valente
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This one hit me on a personal level. Valente is tackling violence against women in comics, but I work for a domestic violence organization and let me tell you folks, art imitates life. The humor mixed with simmering anger throughout this book was so validating and so heartbreaking. I think I‘ve got a new favorite author