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Unseemly Science
Unseemly Science: The Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire | Rod Duncan
3 posts | 5 read | 19 to read
In the divided land of England, Elizabeth Barnabus has been living a double life - as both herself and as her brother, the private detective. Witnessing the hanging of Alice Carter, the false duchess, Elizabeth resolves to throw the Bullet Catcher's Handbook into the fire, and forget her past. If only it were that easy! There is a new charitable organisation in town, run by some highly respectable women. But something doesn't feel right to Elizabeth. Perhaps it is time for her fictional brother to come out of retirement for one last case...? Her unstoppable curiosity leads her to a dark world of body-snatching, unseemly experimentation, politics and scandal. Never was it harder for a woman in a man's world... File Under: Fantasy From the Paperback edition.
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A brilliant sequel to The Bullet Catcher's daughter. We got to learn more about the world in this alternative history of the world and the Gaslit Empire, and its precious International Patent office. Elizabeth Barnabas remains an amazing heroine.

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I liked this second installment more than the first. On to the last in the trilogy

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#TBRtemptation post! Now this right here sounds like a fantastic read! A woman who poses a double life as herself and her detective brother in the England of a hundred or so years ago. Marvelous. I want to see how Duncan plays this out--a bit on the Shakespearean side perhaps? This is the second in a series. So I'll be reading the first one first. Anyone else read this series?! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😈

CherylC Sounds interesting. I'm going to look into this. 8y
drokka Apparently there is a third one as well. 8y
minkyb Not another series!!!!! Oh well, I'll just give in now lol 8y
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Laura317 Am I the only person who sees a skull on the cover? 8y
rabbitprincess @Laura317 OMG I see it too! 😱 8y
Clare-Dragonfly That sounds awesome. What's the first in the series called? 8y
britt_brooke @Laura317 I saw that before I saw the rest of the cover! 💀 8y
LeahBergen Did you buy it?? 8y
MrBook @CherylC Yes 😁👍🏻🙌🏻!! @drokka Looks like I've got some reading to do 😎😉👍🏻! @minkyb 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! 8y
MrBook @Laura317 Nope 😎👌🏻👍🏻! @rabbitprincess They are sly ones, they are 😉👍🏻! @britt_brooke Well, you are astute 😎👍🏻👌🏻! @LeahBergen Noo, I wish 😕, no 🤑. 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👍🏻 8y
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