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Cradle and All
Cradle and All | James Patterson
25 posts | 44 read | 17 to read
The #1 bestseller Pop Goes the Weasel proved once again that James Patterson is an undisputed master of suspense. Now he has written his most compelling and surprising thriller ever. . . . Cradle & All In Boston, a young woman finds herself pregnant--even though she is still a virgin. In Ireland, another young woman discovers she is in the same impossible condition. And in cities all around the world, medical authorities are overwhelmed by epidemics, droughts, famines, floods, and worse. It all feels like a sign that something awful is coming. Anne Fitzgerald, a former nun turned private investigator, is hired by the Archdiocese of Boston to investigate the immaculate conceptions. Even as she comes to care about and trust the young women, she realizes that both are in great danger. Terrifying forces of light and darkness are gathering. Stepping into uncharted territory where the unknown is just the beginning, Anne must discover the truth--to save the young women, to save herself, and to protect the future of all mankind.
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Yesterday I was traveling from Colorado back to Texas, so I missed the Alphabet Game. I'm here to catch up now :)

Today's pick is Cradle and All by James Patterson. This was my first JP read. My grandfather handed me a copy and suggested it to me. I've been a fan ever since 😊

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww I love it! 💙 2y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Ummm.... this was very different from other James Patterson books. I didn‘t dislike it, but I didn‘t like it fully either. It wasn‘t the usual murder, detective, crime, etc. that I have come to expect in his books. I would recommend it if you want thriller/mystery without the blood and gore or if you are a fan of James Patterson and want something a bit different from him.

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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Just started Cradle and All. The tea advent calendar gave me a lovely citrus green tea today! It was light and had a nice citrus taste.

mreads Love Adagio teas❤ 6y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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YAS! I love a good Catholic-based horror story. I'm not a huge fan of the way Patterson writes his female characters, but even so, I was very into this.

Another great pick from my #LMPBC group (and full of funny comments 😂) It's been fun, you guys!
@blithebuoyant @jessinikkip @maximoffs

blithebuoyant I can‘t deal with all rachel‘s DUN DUN DUNs 😂😂😂 6y
j9brown @blithebuoyant Haha yes! They cracked me up 🤣 6y
blithebuoyant @j9brown I think at some point I actually wrote “ugh this fucker again” 😂 6y
j9brown @blithebuoyant Oh you indeed did, lol! 6y
jessinikkip Lol im glad yall liked it :) ive loved all the books and the comments too! 6y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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One is carrying the child of god and the other one has the devil. But who is who? #screamathon

Cradle and All | James Patterson
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@maximoffs #LPMBC

Every time I see that you‘ve written this I crack up 😂

Cradle and All | James Patterson

Finished. REALLY didn't like this book.

Cradle and All | James Patterson

Um... Really thought about bailing on this one. Not really liking it. I have 200 pages left though and nothing else to read for 2-3 hours. Guess I'll see how far I can get. 🙄

Cradle and All | James Patterson
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1. I have no idea. 😂 Probably Lion King
2. Fries.
3. I haven't listened to music in a long time but I grew up listening to country.
4. One of my current reads is tagged 😂
5. 👍

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

jfalkens I love The Lion King too and grew up listening to country 😊 6y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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So I guess I've read this book before. I borrowed it from the OverDrive library and it had said I'd read it already. A few chapters in and I slightly remember stuff. Must have read it before I started my Goodreads account 😂

Cradle and All | James Patterson
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So I went from saying it was hard to write in my book to sketching a character in it. I guess im really getting inro marking it up LOL #LMPBC

Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Just finished the series that starts with Red Queen that I had from the library and all my blog tour books. Time to start on the MarkUp. Its so hard to write in my book though!!!!!!!! #LMPBC @blithebuoyant @j9brown @maximoffs

j9brown Yay!! 6y
blithebuoyant I‘m starting on mine on Thursday! 6y
jessinikkip I figured I'd better start mine now, before I got all caught up in the series I picked up at the library 6y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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4⭐'s. This is like nothing else I've ever read by James Patterson. Two virgin girls pregnant, one with the spawn of Satan and one with the next Jesus. The Catholic Church has to figure out which is the bringer of all evil before it's too late. I very much enjoyed this book!

LoverofLit That sounds SO good! 6y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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I felt like the whole time I was reading there was a giant question mark floating above my head. The chapter formatting and zig-zag development left me confused. AND YET somehow I couldn‘t put it down. I absolutely, without a doubt, HAD to know what happened. And boy was it a doozy! Plot twist upon plot twist upon plot twist. If you love surprise endings, this is for you. If you like long, detailed chapters and straightforwardness, it‘s not.

KateFulfordAuthor If you like “unput-downable” and twists, may I recommend my debut to you? See the link for reviews and more. 6y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Cradle and All is a book about two virgins who find themselves pregnant in a seemingly near apocalyptic time. Although unexceptional it was still a rather enjoyable read. Unfortunately it ended with an irritating cliffhanger that seems to elude to a sequel but thus far shows no sign of doing so. I‘d give it 3 stars out of 5.

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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Here are my top ten reads for 2017 (not including any books I read in the next few days). I just finished "strange the dreamer" and will have a review up soon. I hope you all find some favorites within this photo. I know I enjoyed all of them!
#strangethedreamer #agatheringofshadows #caraval #acourtofwingsandruin #vicious #wehavealwayslivedinthecastle #elizaandhermonsters #heartless #radio #cradleandall

Cradle and All | James Patterson
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I had not sampled any James Patterson before. It made a great change.

Cradle and All | James Patterson

Did not enjoy this book like I was told I would. which is sad because I love Patterson.

Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Road trip listening. My husband always drives so he picks the books we listen to. I'm not a big fan of the whole Patterson genre, but the husband works hard to find a book we'll both enjoy. He did well with this one.

bookishkai I actually find they're better listening to than reading; we've listened to a lot of his books on road trips even though we both hate reading them. 8y
LindaGrace812 @bookishkris, I've never even tried reading one! 😁 But yeah, they're usually pretty good listening! 8y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Reading this eerie little gem by one of my favorites! Anyone else read this yet?

MrBook Nice cover! Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay, I think you'll like it here 😎👍🏻. 8y
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Cradle and All | James Patterson

This was a really fun read, basically taking elements of Rosemary's Baby and The Omen and throwing them in a thriller. The twist was a little bit of a cop-out but I enjoyed it.

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Cradle and All | James Patterson
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My #fridayreads. (now available as a YA novel) It's basically Patterson's take on Rosemary's Baby. It's a blast. I totally get why people love his books so much, and I also get why people don't.

Cradle and All | James Patterson
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Book comes out in September (it's a YA). Wasn't my favorite but it kept me enthralled till the end.

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