4⭐'s. Omg this was a crazy book! It was interesting to have a blind MC. Add in the fact that she lived in a haunted house and you get one wild ride.
4⭐'s. Omg this was a crazy book! It was interesting to have a blind MC. Add in the fact that she lived in a haunted house and you get one wild ride.
This book was amazing!! I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
4⭐'s. I actually really liked this book! This author seems to be hit or miss for me so I was glad that I liked this book.
4⭐'s. Really good! A great collaboration from the authors, felt like one author wrote it which I think is important. Great story.
4⭐'s. A really good sequel. I really like Nik and can't wait to read more of him in the next book.
4⭐'s. Cute story. Natasha and Daniel were adorable. But come on that was the longest day ever!
5⭐'s. I absolutely loved it! I was obsessed with Buffy for awhile so I loved getting inside this world again.
5⭐'s. Such a great and creepy book! It reminded me a lot of the movie Polaroid.
3⭐'s. It took me a long time to get into it and then when I did I lost interest not long after. Not the best book I've read.
⭐4's pretty good. I've read better pirate books but I've read far worse too.
4⭐'s. A great conclusion to this awesome series!! I'm sad it's over.
4⭐'s. This series is getting better and better with each book! Katharine still has the coolest storyline in my opinion but the other sisters have won me over in this book!
4⭐'s. This book really surprised me! I really liked Vhalla but I'm honestly not sure how I feel about her and Prince Aldrik. At times I liked him but then at times I didn't.
5⭐'s. This was my first horror graphic novel and I can't wait to read more!! It was so awesome!
3⭐'s. Good but not great
4⭐'s. I went into this book knowing nothing about it and I was pleased with how it turned out. I didn't like all of the choices Brynna made but I can't wait to read the next book.
4⭐'s. I love Darcy Coates books. They're always creepy and I love it!
4⭐'s. A great book for a great series! I'm sad it's over.
So I'm aware that I'm biased because well I wrote the book but I had so much fun creating this world. It was a blast and I hope everyone else enjoys it too!
4⭐'s. This is the first book I've ever read about changlings. I knew about the folklore before so it was super interesting to read about it.
5⭐'s. I absolutely loved this book!! I was surprised by how much I liked it. I never gave much thought to Ursala in The Little mermaid. I can't wait for book 2.
5⭐'s. Loved it! Trinity and Zayne were so amazing together! It makes me hope that Layla and Zayne will be able to reconcile their friendship, though. I'm so excited to see what happens next in this series
5⭐'s. This was such a cute book! I'm glad a story like this exists because this is a real illness that people have to deal with.
I could not get into this book no matter how hard I tried.
5⭐'s. Wow, I loved this book so much! I did not see any of that coming at all. That ending was incredible as was the rest of the book, but that ending though.
Really really good! The anime is good but so far I'm liking the book better.
5⭐'s. This was so much better than I thought it was going to be and that plot twist was incredible!
3⭐'s. Not the worst thing I've ever read but not the best either. I just wanted to know who was the real killer and then when I found out I felt very meh about it.
4⭐'s. A good dystopian world. I liked that the prologue showed how it all happened so as the reader I wasn't as in the dark as the characters were. I think I'll continue the series to see what happens next with Elizabeth and Thomas. I got a bad feeling about Bob.
5 ⭐ 's. Such an amazingly dark read. I absolutely love everything this author has written. It's very creative and full of twists and turns. I loved every second of it.
5⭐'s. I loved it, just as much as the first time I read it in highschool! It's a truly chilling read.
5⭐'s. This is my new favorite Stephen King book! So beautifully written and full of suspense and ghosts.
5⭐'s. I am loving this series so much! I don't care that Kat is the evil one, I love her!
5⭐'s. I love Devlin so much! He's my new favorite De Vincent brother and I absolutely love him and Rosie. She was great for him and a great character in general.
5⭐'s. Omg it was so so good! I loved Jensen and Ella together! Ella was a badass, her self perseverance was strong! There were definitely some things I did not see coming.
All 3 of these are so good! I'm so glad to get back into the world of Naruto!
4⭐'s. I liked book one better but this was a good book too. It definitely made me ready for the next book! Rowan is a beast and I can't wait to see what else she can do.
3⭐'s. It was okay. It started off strong but I lost interest after awhile.
4⭐'s. I really enjoyed this book. I liked the concept and the ending really took me by surprise. I can't wait for the next book especially to see if Kat gets her revenge.
3⭐'s. It's a pretty interesting story. Sylvie and her mom annoyed me more than they didn't. There are just a lot of issues with this plot but it was a decent read.
3⭐'s. I don't know why I didn't totally love this book but I just didn't. I didn't hate it either. It was just okay to me.
5⭐'s. So good! I loved getting to know Tella better and to be honest I think I liked her more than Scarlett. Also I had a feeling that was who a Legend was!
5⭐'s. I loved this so much. It's full of magic with magical creatures like dragons and merpeople. Rowan and Aren were adorable, I can't wait to see what happens in the next book.
5⭐'s. This was so much better than I thought it was going to be! It took me a little while to get used to the format but I ended up loving it.
3⭐'s. It was okay. It started off really strong but kind of lost some steam along the way.
4⭐'s. I feel like I understand Claire better now. I was sad about what happened to Justin but found it difficult to be mad at Tanya and Eric. I was mainly just reading it for the dinosaurs though 😅.