I really enjoyed this main storyline, as well as the next biggest storyline in this one, involving Snow White and her children. I so love the illustrations in this, and like the others in the series, the borders are a nice “extra” that also helps you figure out which characters/storyline is happening on that page. It ended on a slow note for me, which is mostly what brought down my rating by that ¼ star. Overall, though, I quite liked this volume.
Oh my gosh, lots of great stuff. Brandish didn‘t actually die, Rose Red is taking up the mantle of Hope‘s Paladin of Second Chances and setting up New Camelot, Snow White cuts ties with Rose Red, super emotional story in the afterlife with Bigby, Blue, and Dare, Leigh made a ring that messed with the witches plan to bring Bigby back to life, Winter is badass as the new north wind, and some Fables are returning to the Homeland.