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The Sandwich Swap
The Sandwich Swap | Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah,, Kelly S. DiPucchio
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Lily and Salma are best friends. They like doing all the same things, and they always eat lunch together. Lily eats peanut butter and Salma eats hummusbut whats that between friends? It turns out, a lot. Before they know it, a food fight breaks out. Can Lily and Salma put aside their differences? Or will a sandwich come between them? The smallest things can pull us apartuntil we learn that friendship is far more powerful than difference. In a glorious three-page gatefold at the end of the book, Salma, Lily, and all their classmates come together in the true spirit of tolerance and acceptance.
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The Sandwich Swap | Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah,, Kelly S. DiPucchio
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Eggs ❤️🥪❤️ 2y
IndoorDame I loved this book!!! 2y
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The Sandwich Swap | Kelly DiPucchio, Queen Rania (consort of Abdullah II, King of Jordan)
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This light hearted story tells the tale of two friends who always eat lunch together. Lily likes to eat peanut butter and Salma likes to eat hummus. The pair of best friends learn to put aside their cultural differences and teaches the lesson of tolerance and acceptance. (realistic fiction). This story would be great for a dramatic reenactment; get students involved by dressing up as different foods! #ucflae3414sp21

hhockenberry ESOL #3. UDL 3.2. 3y
DrSpalding What a nice summary and doesn‘t this book hit on themes that children should be exposed to in our elementary classroom? I often use this during our read across America events. Helpful resource. Make sure to expand on the English learner and universal design principles. This would make a good read aloud as well as a possible readers theater option. 3y
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The Sandwich Swap | Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah,, Kelly S. DiPucchio
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This New York Times Best Seller RF book is a beautiful story of two girls from different background who think the others lunch is yucky, but they end up finding out just how beautiful their different friendship is, and how delicious the others sandwich is. This is a great story to use for RA and use to teach children about different cultures and connect it into social studies! #UCFLAE3414SP20

MaddyJ http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson1134/assignmen... - This could be a fun extension activity after reading the book and learning about cultures. The UDL principle 8.3 to foster collaboration and community and EL 24 to incorporate the culture and the language of second language learners in your curriculum would be met using this book to teach about cultures and to have them create the class cultural alphabet book. 4y
deiacovab I love that you mentioned incorporating this into social studies and how versatile this book seems to be. I can‘t wait to read it! 4y
DrSpalding Your images are lovely! Yes, this should be used to incorporate culture into the classroom. This was one of our Read Across America titles. I loved that many of the children had never tasted hummus before. This experience matters! ❤️📚 4y
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The Sandwich Swap | Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah,, Kelly S. DiPucchio
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This realistic fiction book, The Sandwich Swap by Queen Rania, won the California Young Readers Medal Nominee for Primary (2013) and would be a great book for students to PR. Lily and Salma are best friends who always eat lunch together at school. Lily eats PB&J sandwiches and Salma eats hummus and pita. Lily couldn‘t help, but say Salma‘s sandwich looked kind of yuck. Salma did not like Lily‘s either… until one day they finally agreed to try it.

DianaHerrera In the link above is a lesson plan that helps students be introduced in diversity and have diverse conversations. Before the students begin to read, they should be reviewed by the vocabulary words they encounter as they read. Next, the students are to go over the predictions they might have just by looking at the cover of the book. 6y
DianaHerrera The students will begin reading and after they read with their shoulder partner they will answer some H.O.T questions. 6y
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DianaHerrera UDL 2.1 would be important for this lesson because students are to understand the vocabulary words/symbols for clarification. Using preview activities prior to the reading helps students understand what can happen to the story and help them look forward to the reading; the review activity helps the instructor see if the students have understood the story (EL 13). #UCFLAE3414SuB18 #CuteBook #MustRead (edited) 6y
DrSpalding Your posts are detailed and well written Diana. Keep up the great work! Love the additional hashtags. 6y
Gabylaurel10 This book looks so interesting to teach about cultures! 6y
emilybanne That seems like such a cute book! I love the partner read for this selection. I love the diverse conversations they will have as well. 6y
DrSpalding #MustRead ... I love it! Anything that can assist you in effectively having conversations about the importance of appreciating diversity is a wonderful resource. (edited) 6y
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The Sandwich Swap | Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah,, Kelly S. DiPucchio
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This RF book has been a favorite since 2010. The best friends secretly judge each other's lunch sandwiches; the pb&j vs hummus and pita fight began. The girls learn how to appreciate each others culture and even start a multicultural food event at their school! Meets UCF Cultural Competencies: C2, C4, C5, A1, A7, S5, and S7. http://reedteachers.d92.org/wedewer/Reed_LMC/Sandwich_Swap_files/The%20Sandwich%... #ILA17

BrielleR 💕 7y
BrielleR Hope to read this one! 7y
LForsythe This is one of my favorites, too! 7y
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The Sandwich Swap | Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah,, Kelly S. DiPucchio
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Timely message. ❤✌🏾

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