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Mein Zwergkaninchen
Mein Zwergkaninchen | Monika Wegler
4 posts | 2 read
Hoppeln, Haken schlagen, gemeinsam um die Wette buddeln - das lieben Zwergkaninchen! Sie brauchen deshalb viel Bewegung und einen Kaninchenpartner. Gleichzeitig fassen die geselligen Tiere leicht Vertrauen zu Menschen. Daher ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sie besonders Kinderherzen im Sturm erobern. "Mein Zwergkaninchen" aus der Reihe GU Mein Heimtier informiert Sie umfassend, wie Zwergkaninchen artgerecht gehalten werden. Und das in neuem, modernen Layout, mit noch mehr Inhalt und durch neuartige, attraktive Ratgeber-Elemente, z.B. Aktivtest Mein Heimtier, Wussten Sie schon, dass?, Elterninfo, Tiersitter-Pass.
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Mein Zwergkaninchen | Monika Wegler
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New bunny alert. The mostly white one is my old bunny. She lost her partner a couple of months ago. Finally found a new bunny (light brown). We'll see how they get along this week.

wanderinglynn Aw, so cute! ❤️🐇 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww too cute ❤️ 5mo
AmyG Omg 🙌🏻❤️ 5mo
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Soubhiville Adorable. 5mo
dabbe 💜🧡💜 5mo
maich They are so cute😍💕 5mo
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Mein Zwergkaninchen | Monika Wegler
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@shanaqui @TheAromaofBooks
Today we finally got our bunnies! A male and a female, they're like 3/4 and 1/2 a year old.
#petsoflitsy #bunniesoflitsy

TheAromaofBooks I'm so jealous!!!! How cute are they!! Are they English Spots?? 4y
CaffeineAndCandy So super cute ❤ 4y
Deifio @TheAromaofBooks I believe so. At least smaller versions of the English Spots breed. The female is three coloured, don't know if that counts as English Spots 😊 4y
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Deifio @ABooksyGirl ☺️❤️ I liked their colours so much 4y
shanaqui Such cuties! 4y
TheAromaofBooks They're SO adorable!! 4y
Gezemice 🐰🐰🐰❤️❤️❤️ so cute! One of our three looks like them! 4y
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Mein Zwergkaninchen | Monika Wegler
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I did get an overview about bunnies. But I have to say the important facts are all over the place (like how old bunnies get, how to set up a group - all males/ females?)
I did get some nice ideas forthe soon to be built bunny "villa" though.

shanaqui Hulk is shortly turning nine years old, and still completely healthy. She's part Netherlands dwarf, though, so has a life expectancy of 10-12 years, probably. Bigger buns tend to have shorter lives, maybe 5-6 years.

I've usually heard that equal numbers of males/females are important. They usually can't just be thrown together; they have to be supervised while they get used to each other -- getting buns from the same litter can reduce that.
Deifio @shanaqui Nice name! 🤩 The information about groups was in the book somewhere. I think I might start with a pair (one male sterilized and one female). Seems the easiest for a first time bunny owner. Can't wait to start on the bunny home! 😄 5y
shanaqui @Deifio Do sterilise the female too! Otherwise they're prone to uterine cancer (and also often moodier and more territorial). :) Sounds like a good plan to start with. I'm excited for you! 5y
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Mein Zwergkaninchen | Monika Wegler
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Reading about bunnies. We want to get 2-3 in spring. Still thinking about where to put them. They'll live outside, but not sure about where in the garden to put them and how to build their house. I might repurpose a part of the shed

shanaqui Bunnies do best in even numbers and equal numbers of each sex usually, just FYI! Female buns definitely need to be spayed, though, even if you only want to keep females; they have a high risk of uterine cancer otherwise! Happy to answer any questions now or when you have the buns, though ours are house bunnies and raised by us so there will be different behavioural issues there. 5y
ravenlee A good friend has two outdoor bunnies in a shed (or similar). She built a raised platform for their living area that has a sort of drawer underneath. It lets her collect the droppings to use as fertilizer in her garden, and she says it all works beautifully. 5y
TheAromaofBooks I raised rabbits for years growing up, as pets, for show, and for market. If there is any way I can help, feel free to email me ( itsthegoodlife15 at gmail). Storey's guides are often helpful, although they do tend to focus more on practical/commercial application. Still, lots of info on common diseases/prevention, housing possibilities, etc. Good luck!! 5y
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Deifio @shanaqui Thanks I didn't know that! I'll keep that in mind. I don't think I got to the chapter with group dynamics yet 5y
Deifio @ravenlee that sounds convenient! Provided they always poop on the same spot 🤔 and I hadn't thought about using it as fertilizer! 5y
Deifio @TheAromaofBooks Thank you! I will do that! 😍 5y
TheAromaofBooks As a side note, rabbits do tend to use the bathroom in the same area of their hutch/living quarters every day. Some people even litter train them (although I haven't found them to be as reliable as cats lol) Also, their manure is fantastic for gardening because it isn't considered “hot“ when it's fresh (like chicken and cow manure) so you can apply it directly to your garden! Here's a really good article if you're interested ⬇ 5y
Deifio @TheAromaofBooks thanks for the article ❤️ 5y
shanaqui Re: the littertraining: ours are trained to pee in one place and mostly poop in one place. Pee is the bigger issue anyway -- the poops are small and if the rabbit is healthy, should be fairly dry and hard, easy to just sweep out. The way to litter train is to get a litter tray or something to mark out a distinct space, and for a while put all poop in there, and any tissues you use to clear up pee. (Cont in next comment.) 5y
shanaqui If they decide to always pee in a different spot, move the litter tray there. They're telling you where they're comfy doing their business! I really recommend using a littertray even for an outdoor bun, for ease of cleaning out the hutch. We use cat litter to absorb the smells: it needs to be safe for a bun to eat, though (because they will!), so it can't be a chemical based litter or one of the type that expands or anything like that! 5y
Deifio @shanaqui thanks for the tip! 5y
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