My Graphic Novel Book Bracket for 2024
I couldn't choose between Camp Spirit and Pumpkin Heads. They were both so good and reminded me of being a teenager.
My Graphic Novel Book Bracket for 2024
I couldn't choose between Camp Spirit and Pumpkin Heads. They were both so good and reminded me of being a teenager.
Graphic Novel pick for March is Camp Spirit. I was instantly drowned in nostalgia within the first few pages. All the music references, clothing, and Elodie's attitude reminded me of my friends and I in high school. I would have liked more of the camp mystery in the story, but the hysterical interactions with the campers and the other teen counselors made up for it.
Signed on to the #listysummercamp hosted by @ImperfectCJ
First time joining in on this type of challenge. It will be fun 🤩 🏕🔥
My Readathon Goal is to finished the 600plus page book . I am currently reading.
The characters and story were interesting, but the follow-through felt weak. Whatever happened with the spirits wasn't clear, and the dire "you're in this forever now" warning delivered later had tons of forbidding and no actual weight in the end. What even happened? The problem solved itself? I did like the campers and romance, and would be more satisfied if the sexist homophobic guy had more consequences. #lgbtq #comic #spirit #camp #paranormal