The study of EI has been on my radar for a long time as a subject I wanted to learn more about. I was turned on to this book while listening to podcasts on the Be Here Now Network. It‘s a lengthy book that defines EI and explains the difference between EI and IQ. Goleman highlighted the benefits of EI. Once a thorough foundation is laid, Goleman applies EI to many emotions people experience. #MountTBR
Full review https://abookandadog.com
“It was an unbearably steamy August afternoon in New York City, the kind of sweaty day that makes people sullen with discomfort.”
A very close friend gifted this book to me 3 years ago but never got a chance to read it. Now that I have started reading it I‘ll make sure I complete it very soon. 🙌🏻
Loved this Quote right in the beginning! Bang on ...
I saw a list of books to read for grad students in 2018 that said this book was a game changer, life changing, and groundbreaking. I didn‘t find it to be anything new, in fact I was offended by some of it. These great examples were easy to pick apart and prove sketchy. I‘ve read much better books on this subject, honestly. This may be the book that popularised the term EQ/EI, but it‘s not the best.
(cont‘d in comments)
What a gross generalisation. I‘ve read far better books on this topic, but none of them are offered as credit. I‘m finding absolutely nothing life changing or groundbreaking about this book. I would be fired for making such generalisations with my students. #isitoveryet
My highlights in this book have become things I could easily argue against WITH PROOF without even trying. I hate to start a book and not finish, but I‘m getting dangerously close with this one.
This may be true for some people, but certainly not for all. When I am under the most pressure, when I feel like my anxiety meds aren‘t working, I slip into flow much easier than when I‘m perfectly calm. His all or nothing approach is really beginning to annoy. The one credit hour may not be worth this madness. #isitoveryet
Has Goleman ever heard of realists? It‘s like, for this guy, you‘re either an optimist or a pessimist. Still waiting for the groundbreaking, life changing portion of this book. #isitoveryet
According to this book, if it wasn‘t for my GAD I‘d be a bloody genius. I may even already have my PhD. Well, fine. Be that way.
“The train angry thoughts that stokes anger is also potentially the key to one of the most powerful ways to defuse anger...”
Not a fan of books that have basic grammar errors when they are supposed to be these ground breaking, life changing books. Ugh. Subject-verb agreement here people.
Angry thoughts are plural, therefore they stoke anger and are the key. #whoeditedthis #grammarmatters #grammarsaveslives #why #edit
Three books alluding to or narrating Troubled Relationships. But really, what literature is not based on troubled relationships? Always the conflicts vs ourselves, our people, our environments, our hopes, our regrets...
Next up on the audio train...
Well, I enjoyed this book much more than I expected! I think it helped me grow as a person and helped me heal some of my emotional wounds! 5 out of 5 stars and I recommend it to anyone! 📚📚📚
#books #bookwrapup #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #emotionalintelligence #danielgoleman #adultbooks #adultnonfiction #bestbooks #booksarewisdom #litsybooks #litsylove #ilovelitsy #ilovethisbook #ilovereading