I love a story of a con and it is always remarkable how the con artist justifies their behavior. Set in a small town and the art world, it was interesting how she got away with it for so long. Parts dragged a bit but overall, I recommend!
I love a story of a con and it is always remarkable how the con artist justifies their behavior. Set in a small town and the art world, it was interesting how she got away with it for so long. Parts dragged a bit but overall, I recommend!
Becky is a boring, shy young lady and she works as a town‘s treasurer/controller, but as Reba she is having more glamorous life - as a wealthy, successful art collector. I was expecting some thrilled twists about her double life, more complex situations from the art world, but there were none … Good premise, but not so good execution. I was intrigued by the story just enough that I finished it. #audiowalks
This book was a bit boring, but that‘s wasn‘t completely a bad thing in this instance. If you are going to find outer-Becky success skimming from rural America to fund your inner-Reba art habit in Chicago, you just gotta live a life under the radar.
11-4-20: My 91st finished book of 2020! Rebecca Farwell lives a double life. As Becky, she works as a comptroller for her small town. As Reba, she buys and sells art. This story takes us through how she manages to lead and fund such different lifestyles. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #thetalentedmissfarwell #emilygraytedrowe 👍🏼📖#️⃣9️⃣1️⃣
Nope. Giving up at the 50% mark. Had so much potential to actually be riveting but it was not. I enjoyed the beginning and thought we were going places but it got sooo boring. I don't know what happens at the end and I can't even care enough to try to find out.
I think part of the problem is I thought this was a thriller. It is most definitely not. #dnf
Becky Farwell was brilliant in math and used this brilliance for things not on the up and up.
An enjoyable read simply because you can't believe what she is doing.
The writing is fresh and pulls you in. A wonderful book for a debut.
Art aficionados and any reader who just needs something different will find this book enjoyable. 5/5
FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/y2gy78sa
I so wanted to like this book. I was excited to read it, bc who wouldn't love a female con artist? Obviously, me. I am in the minority on this. Others have loved it.
I won this from Goodreads.
Becky Farwell was brilliant in math and made money during high school tutoring friends either for money, clothes, or shoes.
She used this brilliance as an adult for things not on the up and up, but she is very likeable.
An enjoyable read simply because you can't believe what she is doing.
The writing is fresh and pulls you in. A wonderful book for a debut. 5/5
Requested this ARC from LibraryThing Early Reviewer program because of my interest in art/art history, not because I thought or hoped this was a thriller as the cover and title implies. Because it isn‘t.
Treasurer of a small town embezzles money to support her art habit & jet set lifestyle and gets away with it for a long time. Readers less interested in the art world might not find this as compelling as I did. But I read this in one day.
Book mail from yesterday— an ARC I requested via #LibraryThing #EarlyReviewers. I read an novel of hers (“Commuters”) several years ago and liked it then, which is why I requested this. This cover gives off a thriller genre vibe, doesn‘t it 🤔 ?
What a nice surprise!!
Thank you, @harpercollins and @customhousebooks