If I'd ever taken the time to wonder about my soul being as black as this town seemed to believe, I knew the moment Ashton stepped out of her little white Jetta looking like an angel from Heaven that my soul was damned to Hell.
If I'd ever taken the time to wonder about my soul being as black as this town seemed to believe, I knew the moment Ashton stepped out of her little white Jetta looking like an angel from Heaven that my soul was damned to Hell.
I knew I was close but wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I finished the #24in48 Readathon with 25hrs and 15 minutes. I completed 4 books (1 audio), started a new audio and got half way done through Vincent Boys. Read a total of 825 pages. My time started dragging towards the end and I was reading a lot slower. This was a lot of fun and I enjoyed sharing it with you all. You're all amazing. Good night.