Finished this yesterday, and it was not good. Thankfully it was a $2 thrift store find. That‘s all I have to say. 😂 #rushathon
Finished this yesterday, and it was not good. Thankfully it was a $2 thrift store find. That‘s all I have to say. 😂 #rushathon
I don‘t even know what to say about this. It was just so weird. Not in the good way
I walked away from this one for awhile, and so the second half went smoother than the first, but I still didn‘t find it, overall, very intriguing. Lots of unreliable and unlikeable characters.
If I recall correctly, I wasn‘t a huge fan of The Perfect Girlfriend, but I‘ll try this one out anyway!
Would you be able to carry out a dying friend‘s wish to be sure to protect her family?
Don‘t miss THE LAST WIFE - it has a tense, sinister undertone which makes it so good.
FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/y8lmuy9l
A tense, sinister undertone that will keep you on your toes with questionable characters, secrets, and long-held lies.
This one is between pick & so-so, but I am rounding up for the nonstop drama of the plot. Marie‘s long friendship with Nina has been a focal point of her whole life, but after Nina‘s death, Marie finds herself literally filling Nina‘s shoes. There‘s a lot of suspicious activity between threatening notes, a reappearance of an old friend & hints that a big secret lies in the past. Marie‘s own lies makes it hard to like her which somewhat spoils this
A slow burning but gripping psychological thriller about how the grass is greener on the other side of the hedge...or not. The suspense escalates slowly, building up to an interesting conclusion. The narrator is not very likeable and is as mad as a box of frogs. There are quite a few twists and turns to keep you turning the pages. If you like dark family dramas with quirky characters, you‘ll enjoy this one! #Pigeonhole