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Finding My Forever
Finding My Forever | Heidi McLaughlin, (Ro
2 posts | 4 read | 1 to read
Everywhere I look, my friends are settling down - marriage, children, white picket fences; but not me. Marriage isn't in the cards for me. I'm a ladies man. A rock star. I was born and raised in the industry. I love everything about my life, especially the attention from the women that my status brings me. Women find me. I don't chase. I know what they want and they know I'll deliver. But after one look, one touch, one night... Now I'm the one doing the chasing. I need to find a way to show her that I'm serious, that I can change. I need to find a way to show her that I can love her fully, and only her. I need to find a way to show her that she's my forever.
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Finding My Forever | Heidi McLaughlin, (Ro
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I truly don't know why I'm still reading this series. The first book had a decent storyline but the second and now third aren't very tasteful in my opinion. Too much language and sex scenes. I'm calling the series of five (only read the first three) as 1 hit and 2 misses. Not even going to read the next two.

Finding My Forever | Heidi McLaughlin, (Ro
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Third book in the Beaumont series by Heidi McLaughlin. The first was Forever My Girl (the movie just came out on DVD). I definitely enjoyed the first two more than this one, but I‘m going to finish this one. #rockerRomance