#BookReport I finished up five for #middlegradeMarch Thanks to all those who participated! One seasonal cozy, one time travel and one suspense.
#BookReport I finished up five for #middlegradeMarch Thanks to all those who participated! One seasonal cozy, one time travel and one suspense.
Great book which talks about family and country. With no knowledge about Japan Korea War this was a good place to start
I ❤️'d this book the first few times I read it, and I still do reading it again after so many years. It's a beautiful work of fiction based on so many true events that occurred during WW2 some of which hit very close to home both literally and figuratively.
😃I'm really interested in doing book📚swaps with people or doing a buddy read but 🤔 I'm not sure exactly how 🤔??? Would be awesome though❤️
📖Reading this Gem 💎 again🌸🎍... took my library FOR----EVVVEEERR to bring it local but this read is always worth the wait;Probably should just look 👀 into acquiring it for my personal 📚library
I keep trying to start this book, but I can't seem to stay away from this veryclose election. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one watching and not reading! And thank you to my Litsy family for being a safe space tonight!