3.3⭐️ the book was good, but it felt a little incomplete. I loved the concept, but right when the book started getting good, it went to a quick make up scene that felt rushed and the booked ended.
3.3⭐️ the book was good, but it felt a little incomplete. I loved the concept, but right when the book started getting good, it went to a quick make up scene that felt rushed and the booked ended.
I‘m on a roll with #unpopularopinions. Clearly cowboy romances are not my thing. I found the writing clunky and repetitive. The MCs were immature, and for characters who were supposedly 34 (the hero, Jericho) and early-20s (the heroine, Honey), ridiculously childish in their behavior. Honey was also obsessed with her virginity and with finding someone to hook up with so she‘d no longer be a virgin. It was obnoxious.
3✨I was nervous at first that this one would be too much romance for me, but feel it had a nice balance. There was heartfelt amazing moments especially at the end. Coming from a non-romance reading type, I really liked this story. Read for #LMPBC #GroupF
3/5. This was fine. There was one really good chapter near the end that made me wish the whole book had been better. I find I either really enjoy this author or just feel kind of Meh. #lmpbc
Soup is made, banana bread in the oven, snow is falling but not sticking. Was hoping to get some physical reading in but as I write this munchkin is waking up from his nap.
Tea and doggy snuggles (he‘s 2 today!) to close out the night. Theoretically supposed to get our first 1-3 inches of snow tonight.