Cute, funny, and just what I was looking for on this Christmas Eve. #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers
Cute, funny, and just what I was looking for on this Christmas Eve. #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers
Low pick for this one. I got an ARC of this from @LibraryThing !
Overall, I enjoyed it. I did think it was a little much but it is a Christmas book. I liked the set up of the 8 days of Christmas and traditions. I found it really odd that she hadn‘t seen her family in 10 years. And I‘ve never seen someone explain their hair as sienna color. I only know that color because of crayons…
#WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers +26pts
Leo and Isabella are a perfect match. The setting in snowy Colorado really helps set the tone. This story hooked me from the first chapter. I also love the varying perspectives between Leo and Isabella. I loved the tension, adorable moments and sass thrown back and forth between Leo and Isabella. I‘d highly recommend this for a cute holiday romance read! This book is now available to purchase too!