So this was a quick little YA book. I had it on Audible (they have the list of “free“ books). I enjoyed it but it wasn't like the best of the best or anything. But good enough for what I needed it for (a good distraction).
Picture of my baby JuJuB resting on the heated blanket (his eye - or lack there of, is healing well :) so happy he has adjusted well.)
This book is my newest obsession.. I started reading this book at around 2 pm today and I‘m almost done with it… it‘s been my motivation to do some school work and read as a reward 🫣
Book 89
Dead Girls Can't Tell Secrets is a quick, YA read. Savannah works to uncover the mystery of how her sister ended up in a coma; was it attempted suicide or murder? Everyone is suspicious. All the elements of a good, light thriller are present, but the the characters are shallow. I would read more by Ichaso, but there are more substantial options. 3.5 stars