Starting a mini - immersion into Marie Antoinette, her two sisters, and her mother! Lol look at how the bee wing & the book on the left merge!
#WomensHistoryMonth #Recommendations 17 of31 Nonfiction
I first read Nancy Goldstone last year and this is the exact author that has been needed for history! Her books read like drama but without taking away the facts and research. I had not heard of Maria Theresa of Habsburg before this book, she was Marie Antoinette 's mother and a powerhouse of 1700s Europe. This book has me gripped into her story.
Prefacing my review with I am not a historian and do not know much about these women - the only 1I had heard of before this was M.A.**
I loved this. Goldstone's writing is fun, informative, & incredibly readable. This did not feel like a 600 pg book.
With so many people, intermarriages, wars, rises and falls, it was very easy to keep everything straight
I was so excited reading this book I ordered 2 more Goldstone books!
Members of the financial community call Necker's method "off-balance-sheet financing" or "massaging the numbers." Ordinary people call it "fraud."
I love Goldstone's writing, it is down to earth, humorous, and never dull.
I thought I was going to finish the tagged this weekend but wasn't able to find the time. I am really enjoying it, and think Goldstone is my new favorite historian!
I borrowed Code Breaker on audio so will bounce from reading to listening this week.
I am honestly so impressed with how much information Goldstone has packed into this book in such a fun and readable way.
"tax the nobles and the Church"
Radical thoughts in 1748 and not much has changed since.
If anyone is looking for a great nonfiction book that is highly readable this one is incredibly interesting and Goldstone's writing engaging.
The 16 (16!!!!) children of Maria Theresa and Francis of Lorraine.
Marie Antoinette is number 15.
The amount of death by smallpox, and the amount of infant mortality is heartbreaking. How grateful are we for science!! Birth control and vaccines have really made this world livable.
"You do not know me. I am not a woman like the others, fearful and discouraged"
What a fantastic page of quotes to begin this book with!