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The Embroidered Book
The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
Brimming with romance, betrayal, and enchantment, The Embroidered Book reveals and reimagines a dazzling period of history as you have never seen it before.
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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What a coinkydink- I‘m reading about 10/22 on 10/22!

This is the date Marie- Antoinette‘s son, Louis- Joseph was born, 10/22/1781

AnnR I had to look up coinkydink, as I hadn't heard that term before, lol. 👻😁 9mo
tpixie @AnnR lol 😂 my sister used to use it. It may not really be a word! 😂🙃🤣 9mo
tpixie @AnnR oops and I realized I didn‘t use the photo with the date highlighted 🤦🏼‍♀️ (edited) 9mo
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AnnR @tpixie - The word came up in the Urban Dictionary, so I think that counts. 😂😁 9mo
tpixie @AnnR yes! 😆 9mo
tpixie @AnnR I just told my husband about the dates & he said maybe we need to buy a lottery ticket! 🎟️ 9mo
AnnR @tpixie - That sounds like a plan. Good luck! 👍 (edited) 9mo
tpixie @AnnR 🍀🍀🍀 9mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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I was scrolling through the posts on this enchanting alternative history book. Such gorgeous covers and edges!
(photo credit to the tagged Littens) 💙🖤

LaraS Stunning! 😍 I love seeing all the different pics on Litsy 10mo
julesG It is stunning and I'm still angry at myself for not getting the special edition 10mo
tpixie @LaraS yes! 💙🖤 LITSY is the best place! 10mo
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tpixie @julesG yes! The special editions are- well very special 💙🖤😉 10mo
TrishB It‘s a lovely looking book and a good read 👍🏻 10mo
tpixie @TrishB I‘m about 1/3 through. I‘m really enjoying it! 10mo
kspenmoll What a beautiful book! 9mo
tpixie @kspenmoll yes!!! Love the cover and the decoration on the pages! 9mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Poor Marie Antoinette.
Bad omen:
The celebratory fireworks for her marriage to the future king of France (at age 15)
killed several by fires and trampling!


LaraS 😱 I had no idea about that fireworks disaster! 10mo
tpixie @LaraS me either! When I read about it in the book, I had to find out if it were true, and it was!!! 10mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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I bought this book because of its beautiful cover. Serendipity would have me start reading it when I was Paris & that I can add it to my mini-émersion into the Hapsburg women that I was planning to start after my trip!
(and a touch of Romanov)
#MariaTheresa #MarieAntoinette #MariaCarolina

CoverToCoverGirl Lovely quartet!🤩 10mo
tpixie @CoverToCoverGirl yes! Great covers! & I think good reading! 🍀🍀🍀 10mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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How gorgeous is this cover?! 😍

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Very!! 💙🖤 11mo
tpixie That‘s why I started reading it! 🖤💙 (edited) 10mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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I was thrilled that this novel won the Aurora Best Novel award last weekend. It's a historical fantasy novel that explores the lives of Marie Antoinette and her sister Charlotte, Queen of Naples and Sicily. I've read several of Kate Heartfield's novels and I love her writing!

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#RushAthon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

kwmg40 I'd read this novel as an e-book, but I wish I had a physical copy, as the cover is so beautiful! 11mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 11mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Very enjoyable - extremely readable. Alternative history centered on Marie Antoinette & her sister Charlotte in world/time when magic was very much real. Set in the late 18th century it sweeps you along like a Dumas or a Dickens - tons of characters (many of them real historical figures) along with drama, romance, intrigue & statecraft. We all know the ending for the Queen of France, but it all makes for a riveting journey along the way.

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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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#fourfoursin22 embroidery (the title) @Lauredhel

I enjoyed this! It's been a while since I've read alternate history, so that was fun. A different portrayal of Marie Antoinette than I've encountered before (not just cause of the magic). If you like magic with your historical fiction, I recommend this.

Lauredhel Oh, it's pretty! 2y
llwheeler @Lauredhel yes I like the cover! 2y
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Excited to start this one today from the library. What are you reading today?

Twainy After 30 days of Indie/Self-pub books for a readathon … an ARC … I‘m about to start The Book Eaters. 😁 2y
Cazxxx @Twainy That sounds interesting, hope you enjoy! 2y
julesG @Twainy Interested to know your thoughts about it. I didn't request the ARC in time. 2y
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Today has hurt my heart so I lost myself in a book. This was such a good read. I love all the historic details and the storyline woven between two sisters was so well done. This one has made it onto my keeper shelf. #blqsummerreadingchallenge #bluecover #chunksterchallenge

TheBookHippie ♥️ 2y
Eggbeater I feel your pain. 2y
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Y‘all I‘ve been waiting for this book for weeks! I‘m so excited to be able to finally have my hands on it. And it‘s sooooo pretty. #goldsborobooks are beyond beautiful! Starting to read it tonight!

SayersLover That‘s gorgeous! Hope it‘s as good as it looks 😋 @KristiAhlers 2y
melzen Wow so many details🥰 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Ooooooh! 2y
tpixie Ohh! The edges are beautiful 💙🖤💙 10mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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My March Goldsboro book arrived today and I am absolutely floored by how gorgeous it is! 😍 Look at those blue marbled page edges! 😲 I think this might be my favorite one so far! And I've never heard of this book before but it looks amazing! Historical fantasy which is a sub genre I really enjoy! And it's huge! 650 pages! *sighs happily* Big books bring me such bliss! 💕📚💕 #goldsboro #goldsborobooks

Birdsong28 😍😍📚📖 2y
candc320 Gorgeous! 2y
KristiAhlers Wow! That‘s stunning. ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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TrishB It‘s also a wonderful read ♥️ gorgeous copy! 2y
Hooked_on_books Oh my goodness, that‘s beautiful! I love fancy sprayed edges, but they seem to be largely on fantasy books, which is not a favorite genre for me, so my books are mostly boring-edged. 2y
Branwen @Hooked_on_books Goldsboro actually has a subscription for regular fiction books too! It's called the Premier subscription! And honestly, some of their sprayed page edges are even better than the ones in the SFF subscription! You should check it out! 😃 2y
Branwen @TrishB I'm really excited to start it! ❤📖 @KristiAhlers @candc320 @Birdsong28 I can't stop staring at it! It's so pretty! 😍 2y
MicrobeMom Gorgeous! I can‘t wait for you review! 2y
KristiAhlers @Branwen oh I‘m going to check that out! Book happiness in the mail makes my heart happy 2y
Hooked_on_books I shall indeed look into that—thanks!! 2y
GondorGirl I'm still impatiently waiting for mine. I'm so excited for this book! 2y
Branwen @Hooked_on_books You're welcome! 😃 @GondorGirl I hope it arrives soon! It's honestly so much prettier even in person! 2y
KristiAhlers I was finally able to get into the Preme1r program and I got this book in the mail today! 2y
tpixie Those page edges are beautiful! So is the cover! 💙🖤 10mo
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Book mail! This is such a pretty book! I couldn‘t decide on the spine or sprayed edges. The top & bottom edges are sprayed a dusky blue & the side edge is a blue marbley design.

Can‘t wait to dive into the March #GSFF book!! It‘s a chonker.


The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Got this just because of the stunning cover.

It's about two magical sisters, the queens of France and Naples. Spanning from 1767 to the 1790s, how magic helped make and break each of the two kingdoms.

Enjoyed the writing very much. Very inventive for a historical fiction involving actual historical figures, and very well-researched.

What did you think, @TrishB?

TrishB I just finished last night and really enjoyed it and it certainly didn‘t feel over long. Some cleverly executed ideas. Would definitely try more by the author. 2y
squirrelbrain Looking forward to this even more now after your review! 2y
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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I loved this. Entertaining blend of history, magic and fantasy/alternative telling. It did not feel like a chunkster and of course it still hurtled towards the end. Throughly enjoyed 😁

Cathythoughts Nice review! Nice work on a chunkster ❤️👍 (edited) 2y
Balibee146 On the tbr.... May have to grab and move to the top as sounds fantastic 2y
TrishB @Balibee146 it‘s definitely worth a read 👍🏻 2y
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Really lazy Sunday.

Finished Miss Eliza's and made some crochet triangles for a blanket out of leftover yarns. Also, made some rhubarb compote.

Can't put down the tagged book, #GhostCat won't let me get up anyway. I managed to read half of it already. @TrishB


#CrochetersOfLitsy #HookersOfLitsy
#LitsyCrafters @curiouserandcurioser @Catsandbooks

AkashaVampie Haha I was looking at the picture before reading what u wrote... I was trying to figure out what u were making. My mind went to either small masks or throngs. Haha 2y
AkashaVampie Thongs not throngs... sorry I must type faster than I think 2y
julesG @AkashaVampie Bikini triangles? But they would be more revealing than covering. 🤣🤣 Six triangles will be attached to each other with a crochet circle to form a hexagon. The hexagons will then be attached to each other. (that's the plan, at least) 2y
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julesG @AkashaVampie Funny, I read thongs. 2y
TrishB I hoping for a couple of reading hours later! I‘m really enjoying it too 👍🏻 2y
AkashaVampie @julesG that does make more sense than a thong. Haha 2y
curiouserandcurioser @julesG those look so bright and cheerful-cant wait to see it finished!💜 2y
Catsandbooks Sounds like a great day! 2y
RaeLovesToRead Awww, Ghost, you gorgeous snoodle 😍😍💕 2y
RaeLovesToRead Also, I would definitely put in an order for your crocheted swimwear range.. 😀😆 2y
julesG @RaeLovesToRead I can save you four triangles for an "assembly required" bikini ?? Also, remind me to tell you the story of the "willy warmers" at Gladstone's. 2y
RaeLovesToRead Hahaha... I think I'd need more than 4 triangles 🤣🤣🤣 I have to hear this story! 2y
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Sunday plans, read the tagged book. @TrishB inspired me to pick it up sooner rather than later.

TrishB I hope you enjoy it 🤞🏻 I‘m about half way through! 2y
squirrelbrain Sounds like a perfect day! 💙 2y
AmyG Yep...sounds perfct. 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🤍 2y
youneverarrived Yep 👌 2y
Melismatic 🙌🏻 2y
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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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I have a really unhealthy lunch from Greggs today 😁😁 but the book is good so far (only 30 pages in!).

julesG Gorgeous cover. Put this on #MountTBR last week. Hope you like it. 2y
batsy That is lovely! 💙 2y
Tamra What a blue beauty! 💙 2y
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Bookwomble Vegan sausage roll? 2y
TrishB @julesG @batsy @Tamra it‘s actually one of those books that you‘ll forgive a lot because it‘s so pretty 💙 2y
TrishB @Bookwomble there was none left! So had a vegetable bake. The Greggs on campus usually has a mile long queue but I was lucky today! 2y
Bookwomble @TrishB Vegetable bake is a good choice 😋 2y
squirrelbrain Pretty book! And yay for bad lunch! (edited) 2y
LeahBergen That edition is so pretty! 2y
BarbaraBB Lovely pic! 2y
Twainy I think this is the March GSFF book .. I should be getting it some time in July 🤣 I have no idea what it‘s about. 2y
TrishB @Twainy it‘s about Marie Antoinette and her sister and a magic spell book! 2y
Cathythoughts Oooooh 💙💙💙 2y
Caroline2 I‘m a bit addicted to the Greggs vegan sausage rolls lately!! 😆 🤦‍♀️ 2y
TrishB @Caroline2 it‘s very easy! 2y
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