Very odd and surprising stand alone book that appears to be alt history but turns out as something quite different.
I usually like Reynolds books but this one felt a bit too obvious, the loops (that were spoiled by the back cover blurb) and even the twist were all kind of seen before and the characters were a bit one dimensional. The end is nice though.
Not much reading time this weekend but that should be good.
Interesting read. A twisted Groundhog Day meets the holo doctor from Star Trek Voyager. A doctor relieves the experience of being a member Ivan expedition to investigate an alien structure from a sailor to a spaceman, each experience different but adding to the overall knowledge. A doctor needs empathy but what happens when it you feed it stories and it forgets it true nature.
I read this recommendation from my friend Devon for #12challenge.
It‘s a bizarre scifi novel in which the main character is a doctor who seems to die repeatedly on different types of ships in different time periods. All of the ships are on a mission of discovery, all following the footsteps of a previous ship which never returned.
I wish I hadn‘t done the audio; the narrator is terrible at accents and did a lot of them.
A meh for me.
A mind-bending, makes-you-question-reality, unique novel featuring multi-dimensional characters and a fascinating storyline. The ending ties up the story nicely, and there's no worthless filler. Can be confusing at the very beginning, especially when the timelines are just introduced, but everything smooths out by halfway through the book.
What a read this is. Once I started it I was hooked! Events are relived over & over again but with some small changes, by the same characters, & the MC starts to remember snippets from the previous missions. It's a story that gradually builds as the reader begins to work out some of what may be happening & therefore a review cannot say too much in case the plot is revealed. 4🌟