Quite an enjoyable read, nothing too taxing. I did prefer the first book, Reputation.
Quite an enjoyable read, nothing too taxing. I did prefer the first book, Reputation.
Ninth prompt completed for @melissajayne #readyourTBR challenge.
I wrote a review of this delightful new (to North America at least) Regency buildungsroman / romance novel INFAMOUS. It is very smart and very funny, a true rival for Jane Austen's wit and insight and I do not say that lightly!!
My full review is on autostraddle dot com: https://www.autostraddle.com/new-historical-romance-infamous-reads-like-queer-ja...
"Farewell, Mother. If I do not return, assume I have committed murder and have taken on a new identity to escape persecution."
"I assume that whenever you leave the house."
#QueerBooks #LGBTQBooks #LGBTQ #Romantsy
Infamous is a delightfully diverse and queer rom-com. It‘s got a historical setting with a contemporary sensibility that will really resonate with a lot of readers (myself included). Plus, it‘s funny! Pick it up if you‘re in the mood for a young, fun read with corsets and covert desire. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/infamous-lex-croucher/
This weekend I was in Konstanz, Germany, not really far from Zurich. I bought these two books as they were a bit cheaper than in Switzerland!