The beds are taking on an autumnal look - picked the last runner beans today - but the courgettes are still going strong and pumpkins are doing well. I‘m a novice and have used lots of different books to try to learn the basics- do you have a fab gardening book that‘s inspired rather than instructed?? Looking for winter reads to improve for next year!
PurpleyPumpkin Your garden is gorgeous! Looks like it was very productive. Well done!🌻 2y
charl08 Looks wonderful to me. I like going to fancy gardens and the ngs open days and seeing what others do. 2y
Soubhiville It‘s so lush! Looks to me like you had great success this year. 😊 2y
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Chrissyreadit #wishiwasthere It‘s so beautiful! You really know what to grow!! 2y
BookNAround I‘m not posting a picture of my shriveled and sad garden, especially compared to yours! I might have to work on it next year since I killed so very many things this year without getting any produce from those plants. 2y
quirkyreader As for books it all depends on your zone. Are you closer to the Cotswold‘s or the south? 2y
Mitch @PurpleyPumpkin thank you - we grew a little of lots of different things! 2y
Mitch @charl08 a friend does this - I‘ll have to be brave and nose around next years NGS gardens ✔️ 2y
Mitch @Soubhiville much better than I thought! And it‘s still feeding us ( and the neighbours!) 2y
Mitch @Chrissyreadit beginners luck! 2y
Mitch @BookNAround oh no! We did a little if everything all jumbled up. So it was never too obvious when something died! 😂 2y
Mitch @quirkyreader we‘re in Suffolk 2y
quirkyreader DK books does a lot of team ups with the Royal Horticultural Society which are usually found in High Street shops with older editions sometimes showing up at charity shops. 2y
quirkyreader And since you are somewhat south, because you get the mild warmth, as you know your plants go like crazy. Have you tired strawberries yet? (edited) 2y
Cathythoughts Beautiful 😍 2y
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