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The Archive Undying
The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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Giant robots and AI gods run amok in The Archive Undying, national bestseller Emma Mieko Candon's bold entry into the world of mecha fiction WHEN AN AI DIES, ITS CITY DIES WITH IT WHEN A CITY FALLS, IT LEAVES A CORPSE BEHIND WHEN THAT CORPSE RUNS OFF, ONLY DEVOTION CAN BRING IT BACK When the robotic god of Khuon Mo went mad, it destroyed everything it touched. It killed its priests, its city, and all its wondrous works. But in its final death throes, the god brought one thing back to life: its favorite child, Sunai. For the seventeen years since then, Sunai has walked the land like a ghost, unable to die, unable to age, and unable to forget the horrors he's seen. He's run as far as he can from the wreckage of his faith, drowning himself in drink, drugs, and men. But when Sunai wakes up in the bed of the one man he never should have slept with, he finds himself on a path straight back into the world of gods and machines. The Archive Undying is the first volume of national bestselling author Emma Mieko Candon's Downworld Sequence, a sci-fi series set in a world of AI deities, far-reaching empires, brutal police states, and giant robots steered by pilot-priests. It's a bold new vision of the mecha genre, blending seven-story action pieces with soft queer feelings and a deep study of disability. Come get in the robot.
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The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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Oooohhhh my god, where do I start? SPOILER FILLED RANT INCOMING!
I can handle multiple POVs, I can handle first, second and third person storytelling, I can handle flashbacks, dreamscapes, nebulous telepathic mindscapes. What I can't handle well is when it keeps shifting which character is told in first, second or third person!
I can handle sci fi world building.
Strap in, this is a long one. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? What I can't handle is pausing on the evocative details 400 pages in after massive amounts of startling plot reveals, stalling the story progression, oh, and being so focused on the current day situation that the 'before' of Cradle and the pantheon/overseeing AI/earlier generation of robot gods Immaculate/Immortal something or other is referenced so infrequently and with barely any details that I'm lost every time 2mo
Robotswithpersonality 3/? it's referred to.
I get that this author is setting up what I hope for their sake is a long running series, but you can't leave all the exposition for later books.
But really, those are just framing issues. Let's get down to the real nitty gritty.
The reason I'm so pissed is because I was so invested, for so long. And then it was just betrayal-palooza up in here.
Robotswithpersonality 4/? I don't seek out works where the focus is on faith, organized religion or cults. My atheist ass finds a recounting of the damage that shit can do to people, in their own experiences or their actions towards others, simultaneously baffling and incredibly upsetting. Maybe as soon as I saw the history of this world built out as post-corruption of A.I.s that were some mix of all powerful/benevolent/tyrannical gods, I should have left. 2mo
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Robotswithpersonality 5/? But I figured the societies and the people therein would be over it, especially as the remains of these AIs were being used by a dictatorial government as enforcers to get people to live a certain way. But no, apparently these AIs managed to fuck up people so bad that they would feed people, including friends and lovers, to their robotic shells in the hopes that they would get better. 2mo
Robotswithpersonality 6/? Oh, and then there's the passenger, the AI who's a virus who was created by some other AIs to keep the god tendencies of these AIs in check and corrupt/kill them if they did what they did, control and kill the populations they looked after, but only in very specific circumstances, but of course the influence of humanity means that AI got a little fucked up too! 2mo
Robotswithpersonality 7/? [Is anybody else sick to death of 'humanity created AI so AI will be the distillation of our flaws' narratives? Where are the books about the best of humanity coming through in AI? I would happily read those, please!]
And Sunai, who turned so many cheeks that it felt like he was in an abusive relationship with the whole goddamn universe, the reveal that Iterate Fractal designed him to challenge them, just, saw it coming and also incredibly
Robotswithpersonality 8/? angry on his behalf for being so very caught in the middle. I stayed strong for 400 pages, but I'll admit after the big round of 'actually I was lying to you this whole time and this is the horrible thing I've done/am doing' it gets a little rage blurred. I think some of it could be blamed on the AI, but I'm not sure that makes all of it forgivable? 2mo
Robotswithpersonality 9/9 Suffice to say, the ending didn't save it for me, and as my brain is selectively effective at, the irritating portions are already slipping from my memory post walk-out-the-grumpy. If you thrive on interpersonal drama and don't mind some gray morality characters this may work for you. The premise might hinge on corrupt AI, but the plot is mostly messy humans. 🤷🏼‍♂️

⚠️Body horror
julesG Well said!!! 2mo
RamsFan1963 Well said! I gave it a so-so at the time, but after reading your review I'd go back and change it to a Pan 1mo
Robotswithpersonality @RamsFan1963 Good to know I'm a bad influence! 😈😅 1mo
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The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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New strategy: disarm and distract potential allies' arguments by handing them a live chicken!
If the chicken “mutters suspiciously“ all the better! 😂🐔

The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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Today's 'scratched my brain just right' sentence.

The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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I appreciate the necessity conveyed by such a definition, but I'm picturing my updated introduction. 'I'm an information manager, I also answer to 'innards'. 😅

The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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Yeah, I think I'll stick with glasses! 🤓

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The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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I am equal parts offended and extremely impressed by this book. Offended because the next book isn‘t out. And impressed because this whole book kept me thoroughly on my toes and out of my mind. I sided with and alternatively distrusted everyone and everything at all times. My brain hurts so good. 😊

The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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Okay, first of all, epic cover art. Like this is spectacular.

Secondly, I have, yet again 🙄, started a book without checking if it is from a completed series….. it is the first book and I see no second anywhere…

Thirdly, what exactly constitutes someone being a cyborg? Asking for a friend.

julesG This was published last year and yes, no idea when the next one is coming. Cyborg=cybernetic organism - a living/natural being that's been enhanced using technology. Think Borg, Robocop, but also Million Dollar Man. 4mo
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The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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33/150 With vivid world building and some amazing ideas involving mechs, AI and human interfaces, this had the potential to be a five star read. Unfortunately, its let down by the execution. Shifting from third person to first person, shifting from various povs, I often lost track of who was talking, not to mention when characters merged through their AI connections to become each other. It's the first of a series. 3 ⭐⭐⭐

DieAReader 👋🏻👋🏻Next! 6mo
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The Archive Undying | Emma Mieko Candon
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Expected June 2023 | Massive robot war machines meet spirituality, synthetic intelligence, and “soft queer feelings” in this ambitious work of mecha sci-fi! This first book in the Downworld Sequence is as violent and action-packed as it is tender and emotional, full of shocking betrayals and breathtaking breakdowns of the binary between mind and body, human and robot, self and other. 🤖🏳️‍🌈🤯

Suet624 I don‘t usually like this subject but you make it sound intriguing. 2y
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