England, 1543 - Henry VIII is aiming to marry his sixth (& final) wife, Lady Catherine Parr, recently widowed, but perhaps too sympathetic to Reformists for a king who has drifted back towards Catholicism in his old age. The line between acceptable & unacceptable religious practice grows ever thinner & innocent people are being caught in the backlash.
This fourth book in the series was an easier read for me with few instances of the brutal treatment of animals. Here the focus is on the clash of religious doctrines & practice & how this created a climate of fear & mistrust amongst the population. Say the wrong thing to the wrong person & you could have soon found yourself condemned. 4w
Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4054423907
Read 29th Jan - 26th Feb 2025
#Readaway2024 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @andrew65
#ShardlakeSeriesBR @dabbe 4w