⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Perfectly enjoyable audiobook of the narrative history of The Big Bang Theory interweaving quotes from cast and crew interviews.
⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Perfectly enjoyable audiobook of the narrative history of The Big Bang Theory interweaving quotes from cast and crew interviews.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ An impeccably-researched oral history of one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. Sadly, husband and I never finished the last couple of seasons (kids truly ruin tv time). I will hopefully remedy this soon! From casting, to character quirks, to contract negotiations and so on, this well laid out account covers it all. While the actors do not narrate, the full-cast audio crew did a fab job bringing this to life.
I have to admit, I only recently watched this show. I was busy with life when it originally aired, but I have now binged all seasons and needed more. 😁
This book is written in interview style, which I personally loved. It gives so much information on how the show came together, the writers, the actors, and even the struggles.
It was fun to revisit one of my favorite sitcoms and all those who made it great.
For fans of this ground breaking series, this book will take you behind the scenes, giving you an up close look of how this show came to be: the stories of the creators and the stars who gave it life, and some wonderful pictures from the cast and crew themselves. I absolutely loved this retrospective of a show that I hold close to my heart. It is truly my comfort show for so many reasons. It was a joy to take this trip through the show.
I‘d watched Big Bang when it was on TV but I hadn‘t finished it, so over the past month I binged the entire series & then read this book. It provided so much insight into the series, the thoughts in the writers room & the actors experiences. I loved having the behind the scenes scoop! If you watched the show & want to learn more about it, I definitely recommend it! It is 500 pages but it‘s interview style so it goes quickly. I was hooked on this!
This is one of my favorite shows ever so enjoyed this deep dive into the series.
Full disclosure I LOVED this series. I listen to the show play in the background while I clean or cook. This is really a great look behind the scenes with EVERYONE who participated contributing. Reads like an interview so it goes really quick. Great gift idea for the holidays if you know a TBBT fan! #chunkster