Husband and his newest obsession... comics.
Husband and his newest obsession... comics.
1. I love anything with the Avengers except Iron Man.
2. Loki. I love him more than some superheroes. Would Lying Cat be considered a villain since she helped the Will try to find Marko and Alana?
3. Most I read are from Image, but if it‘s involving superheroes I go for Marvel.
#trivialthursday @GarthRanzz
Saw this one Instagram and thought it was cute! Lol! #bookhumor
I have been absent from Litsy recently due to a heavy workload 😔. But I did not forget to shop for my #geekygraphicnovel swap match! Got it all finished up today and shipping it out asap! I hope they like everything!🤓
So many books at Comic Com!! 😍😍😍 #nycc2017