Jan stats! Faves were Capture the Sun and Swordcrossed (why yes, sff romance is one of my favourite genres how could you tell?) but I enjoyed all the books I read this month. A lovely reading start to the year.
Jan stats! Faves were Capture the Sun and Swordcrossed (why yes, sff romance is one of my favourite genres how could you tell?) but I enjoyed all the books I read this month. A lovely reading start to the year.
I'm joining in the #OffMyShelf challenge hosted by @wanderinglynn (thank you!) cause my tbr is very close to maxing out my available shelf space, and who doesn't love a good bingo board! I'm going to count ebook and print owned books, but hoping to get mostly print (see above re: shelf space).
So far 2 print and 1 ebook:
Capture the Sun, pub'd in last 2 yrs
City of Stairs, new to me author
The Full Cupboard of Life, one of a series
I didn't get any books for Xmas/ my birthday but I did get a gift card and some money so #bookhaul time! 5 books and an agenda for the new year, very pleased with my haul. Everything I got was on sale too except Capture the Sun. That's probably the one I'll start as soon as I finish my current physical book.
I hope all of you had/are having lovely, relaxing, bookish holidays. Wishing you all the best.
Jessie Mihalik has never failed me yet. The conclusion to the Starlight‘s Shadow trilogy had a lot of ground to cover, but it worked. Lexi and Nilo resolved their differences, rescued everybody, got into trouble themselves, got out of it, and then we got a reasonable ending to this story arc. I hope there will be more someday, but I‘m happy with it for now.
Woohoo! My signed copy just arrived and I am DYING to read this! Now I just need some reading time…