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Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate
Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate | Michael Moorcock
4 posts | 6 read | 1 to read
Gollancz is very proud to present the author's definitive editions of the saga of Elric, the last emperor of Melnibon. Michael Moorcock and his long-time friend and bibliographer John Davey have collaborated to produce the most consistent and coherent narrative from the disparate novels, novellas, short stories and non-fiction about Elric. From his early life in Melnibon all the way through to his final days, these seven volumes will be the definitive telling of the albino prince's story. Elric is one of the great creations of modern fantasy, and has inspired legions of imitators. If you know his story already, then this definitive edition will finally let you read the entire saga in the author's preferred order. If you've never experienced the chronicles of the albino with the soul-sucking sword, then this is the perfect place to start. Containing stories, novellas, supplementary material and commentary, these editions of Elric are the finest yet.
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(1976) Not so much a novel as a collection of three novelettes featuring Moorcock's moody Melnibonéan monarch, Elric. Mostly, Elric comes off here more as action star than broody antihero, though some of the latter appears in the third section. It doesn't always feel like an Elric story, but the setting, situation, and atmosphere are always compelling, and at barely 160 pages there's no opportunity for the pace to stumble.

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The tone for Book II was very different than Book I. Elric is less melancholy, less introspective, more adventurous. It stands well on it's own if you hadn't read book one, but it helps to have some knowledge of Moorcock's multiverse when Elric encounters other incarnations of the Champion Eternal ( Hawkmoon, Corum and Erekosë). 4 💥💥💥💥 out of 5. On to Book III - The Weird of the White Wolf.

RJHowe Moorcock is a literary genius but the Elric canon was written strangely out of order over decades. (edited) 6y
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Another #RainbowStack: this one a mixture of read and to be read books by Michael Moorcock. #ReadingResolutions

Leftcoastzen That‘s pretty awesome to have an author specific rainbow!👏 6y
TK-421 @Leftcoastzen Thanks! Now I'm wondering if I can manage it with any other authors from my shelves 🤔 6y
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