#PiratesLife #WhatAWayToLive
A couple of books about #mermaids that I still need to read. 😃
#PiratesLife #WhatAWayToLive
A couple of books about #mermaids that I still need to read. 😃
I went back and forth on how to properly rate this one. I am picky about my YA so I knew going into this one it was probably going to be too "cutesie" for me. I was looking for lighthearted and that's what it was. I am giving it a So-So for the simple fact that this is a series and I won't be reading any more. But I'm also giving it a solid ???? because for what it is it was enjoyable and well written.
My new lunchtime read. This was one of the books in my I'd Rather Be A Mermaid Lit-Cube box from August and I decided I needed a little fantasy in my like right now!
#LitCube 's #August #box is "I'd Rather Be A Mermaid". The beach towel says, "I must be a mermaid for I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." The travel cup is awesome! The snackable is a set of drink packets, the wearable is a lip balm, and it also came with a coaster. For the readable, 2 books and two book downloads. Mer-Charmer came with a signed bookplate, too. Great box!!! #unboxing #subscription #bookbox