Hi! I don‘t know how many of you also have an Instagram but I‘ll be starting a bookstagram on January 1st called thats_what_michelle_read ☺️
Hi! I don‘t know how many of you also have an Instagram but I‘ll be starting a bookstagram on January 1st called thats_what_michelle_read ☺️
Finally diving into this classic. Not sure I‘m ready for the 759 pages though 😩
This year I read ALL of Megan Miranda‘s books and I have to say that after reading this book, I think it takes spot number 1 on my list.
Just finished Soulprint so now onto my last Megan Miranda book of 2018. Two new ones headed our way in 2019. One in January and one in April or May ☺️
Another W O W!
This book started off rather slowly compared to her other books so I got nervous it wouldn‘t be as thrilling. Boy, was I wrong! Once it picked up it escalated quickly. (Continued in comments since I wrote too much...)
The Safest Lies, Soulprint, and Fragments of the Lost got delivered today so now my #meganmiranda collection is complete until her new book comes out in January. Yes, I‘m obsessed with her books!
Patiently waiting for the books I ordered to get here tomorrow so reading these since I haven‘t read them since elementary school and they‘re short. I didn‘t want to start a long book knowing my new books were coming tomorrow. 🤷🏻♀️
Megan Miranda can WRITE! This was the fourth book of hers I read this year and like the previous three, I couldn‘t put it down. The secrets, the breakup, the curse... everything. It was brilliant. I know the mystery is solved (so to speak) but I hope there‘s another one about them. About their lives a few years later....
I have a feeling I am going to hate this book. A) it‘s slow. B) every chapter is someone else‘s point of view and I despise that.
Well, I went to Barnes and Noble to buy more Megan Miranda YA novels but they were completely sold out and told me one wasn‘t even available ever again. So I purchased: Missing, Presumed by Susie Steiner, The Good Girl by Mary Kubica, and Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco. Then I came home and ordered Vengeance and Hysteria both by Megan Miranda. Hysteria is supposedly the one no longer available. I have a book problem? #readallthebooks
Ok... now that I‘ve had a few minutes to process...
Everyone in this book is shady as shit. Everything that happens is over the top. He really believed he was the second coming of Christ? He really tried to swallow a ketchup bottle top to have the Heimlich maneuver done and then shits out the detached anal beads? Next time I read a Chuck book, I‘m dropping acid first so I get full crazy feel.
No, I‘m not really going to drop acid...
Spooky season is upon us so let‘s terrify ourselves 😅
I have to say, I liked the movie better. I wish some things from the book made it to the movie: how long they were friends, Miles father, etc. but the ending in the book version was so anti climatic. Not exciting at all...
So so so pumped! I saw the movie Sunday and now I have to read this!!
I don‘t even know where to begin... this was a magnificent read. It started off rather slowly but once it got good, it got really good. Just wow.
Super pumped to start this today! Agatha Christie herself said this was her best book.
After I read this, I‘ll re-read Breaking Dawn (don‘t judge me for my comfort books) and then I‘ll get into my spooky books! Pictures to come later to have you help me decide what spooky books to read. (We just loved so everything is packed still)
My boyfriend‘s two grandmothers sent me these three books and I feel obligated to read them even though none are really my speed. What should I start with? Please actually comment and not just like this. Thank you!! #sendhelp #sos
I got through to her reading that very predictable letter and then I haven‘t picked it up in almost 3 weeks soooo bail. I don‘t have time for terrible books.
Ok so I‘m halfway through. Cecelia finally read the letter. Did anyone else read this and hate it? I‘m extremely bored. The letter was predictable and most of the stuff happening in the chapters is just filler like when a college student needs to hit a page quota. YUCK to this book.
I‘d give this 3.5 stars really. I didn‘t want to put it down but I also felt like it dragged on forever. There were so many things I guessed at and was hoping I‘d be wrong about but I was right. I didn‘t think Ethan was Lizzie and I didn‘t think he murdered Katie but I did realize fairly early on that her family was dead.
Ok so I started this today. I‘m about 75 pages in and I have to say that so far I don‘t get what all the fuss was about. Does the book pick up soon?
This book could ruin you. So much pain in it from basically all the important characters. It almost makes me wonder if love is even real or if we just make it up...
Just started this book and I am in love with it.
“Don‘t you find it strange that whenever anyone asks you to describe yourself, you draw a blank? It should be the easiest thing in the world to talk about-I mean, you are you-but it isn‘t.”
Honestly, this was rough at first. Just very uncomfortable with all the sexual tension between a child and an adult. Once the murders happen though, my God my heart hurt. I‘ve been crying since she drove to Beth‘s apartment to see Kellen for the first time... painful yet powerful.
So, I mean, i just started reading it but like HOW inappropriate does it get between Kellen and Wavy?
Well, I‘m two chapters in and crying so 😭😭😭😭
“I, on the other hand, felt too deeply and relied on other people too heavily. I let things get to me, let them simmer and grow until they took me over. I threw myself into a job, a story, a relationship, with no fallback, and was surprised each time I got knocked down, scrambling for anything to hold on to.” - Leah Stevens
Pretty sure Megan Miranda is one of my new favorite authors.
I‘ve been in this horrible funk since August (it‘s been really quite terrible honestly) so I am rereading the Twilight series. I know, her writing isn‘t great but these books make me feel so happy and like anything is possible so I‘m hoping I can get out of my very long funk. Wish me luck (only if you want to)
About halfway through and y‘all, this book has gotten me out of my reading slump. It‘s so well written and I love that the story is told backwards. Definitely a hard one to put down!
I‘m going to start this book today but I‘ve been in a real funk and I don‘t know how to get out of it. Any and all suggestions welcome. Thank you!
I‘ve never read the first two but this one was staring at me from the bookshelf at Barnes. I flipped to some random pages and the words really spoke to me. So here we are.
Ok so I read the series out of order (not knowing it was a series). I started with The Last Dead Girl (Book 3) then Bad Things Happen (Book 1) and now this one. The other two I couldn‘t put down but this one has me dragging my feet. I‘m not excited about reading it...
I mean it was good but it wasn‘t. So much jumping around and none of the characters were very likable except Jane.
So, I finished. The last 30-40 pages were good but like WTF. It was so slow and jumbled and definitely not her best work.
Ok book lovers, tell me your favorite thriller/mystery books to read. I‘m looking for suggestions. Ready? Go! #thriller #mystery #help #suggestions #booksuggestions
#LitsyWelcomeWagon #puppy @Kaye here you go! So this is my pup, Buddy, that we rescued. The place we rescued him from had found him in Mexico with a bunch of pit bulls. He was 45 pounds when we adopted him (march 2017) and now he‘s 75 pounds! He‘s gotten taller and filled out and his muscles are JACKED because he chases bunnies around the yard and tries to jump up the fence outside to play with lizards. He‘s the sweetest, cutest pup ever 😍