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Vengeance Is Mine
Vengeance Is Mine: A novel | Marie Ndiaye
4 posts | 3 read | 4 to read
From the best-selling author of Three Strong Women comes a thrilling novel about a triple homicide that dredges up unsettling memories from a lawyers childhood. The heroine of Marie NDiayes new novel is Matre Susane, a quiet middle-aged lawyer living a modest existence in Bordeaux, known to all as a consummate and unflappable professional. But when Gilles Principaux shows up at her office asking her to defend his wife, who is accused of a horrific crime, Matre Susane begins to crack. She seems to remember having been alone with him in her youth for a significant event, one her mind obsesses over but cant quite reconstruct. Who is this Gilles Principaux? And why would he come to her, a run-of-the-mill lawyer, for such an important trial? While this mystery preoccupies Matre Susane, at home she is increasingly concerned about Sharon, her faithful but peculiar housekeeper. Sharon arrived from Mauritius with her husband and children, and she lacks legal residency in France. But while Matre Susane has generously offered Sharon her professional services, the housekeeper always finds ways to evade her, claiming the marriage certificate Matre Susane requires is being held hostage. Is Sharon being honest with Matre Susane, or is something more sinister going on? Told in a slow seethe recalling the short novels of Elena Ferrante and the psychological richness of Patricia Highsmiths work, Vengeance Is Mine is a dreamlike portrait of a woman afflicted by failing memories and a tortured uncertainty about her own past that threatens to become her undoing.
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Basically everyone and everything is falling apart in this slim novel. I couldn‘t really make sense of it. Maitre Susane represents a man who she thinks she knows from her childhood. The man‘s wife killed their three children. Maitre Susanes mother doesn‘t remember the man her daughter keeps talking about. And then there‘s an ex, a cleaning lady and some more people who I don‘t know what to think of.

#ATY24 - pronoun in title

sarahbarnes A cool cover! But sounds like the story didn‘t work very well. 4mo
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A woman has murdered her three children and the husband hires Mademoiselle Susane to defend her. She feels like he‘s someone from her childhood, but can‘t quite recall the memory. Concurrently we learn about her housekeeper, her parents, and her ex boyfriend and his child. Lots to unpack here with some interesting characters, but each one is a little too undefined and an unresolved ending drops this out of the pick range.

Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻♥️ 5mo
Cathythoughts As it‘s out of the pick range, as you so nicely put it , I‘m not stacking 😁 5mo
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#WeeklyForecast 12/24

I‘ve capitulated… I can‘t resist the temptation of the #womenprize longlist 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I am reading and enjoying Ordinary Human Failings and will tackle In Defence of the Act next. In between I also want to read the tagged book this week

Hooked_on_books I‘m very close to capitulating and picking up Shadows at Noon. Resistance is hard! 5mo
squirrelbrain I liked Ordinary Human Failings and just bought In Defence. I was going to suggest a buddy read, but I won‘t get to it until after this week. 5mo
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books It is 😀😀 5mo
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BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain You‘re racing through the longlist as usual 😄 5mo
Megabooks I haven't gone through the list yet, but I should before I go book shopping tomorrow or Tuesday! 5mo
squirrelbrain Not really, Barbara, I‘d already read the Nolan before the list came out! Is it tomorrow for your International Booker list? 5mo
sarahbarnes I‘m definitely eyeing a few on the women‘s prize long list. And very excited for the Booker list to come out tomorrow. 😃 5mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks are you going shopping on your birthday? That‘s the best idea 🤍🤍 5mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Yes tomorrow! Very excited about it too @sarahbarnes 5mo
Ruthiella Resistance was futile! 😂 I look forward to hearing your thoughts on all the books. Consider it a public service for the rest of us! 5mo
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella All the books? Please no, I still try to hold back 😂😂 5mo
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Long sentence alert ⚠️

Which makes us sometimes envy a certain sort of tranquillity: the tranquillity of loving couples who were wise enough not to have (or who wisely resigned themselves to not having) a child who can always be a source of bad news or disappointments...

charl08 ....even monstrousness and tales of horrific scenes, and that child, now suddenly a stranger, that fruit of our desire and our pride, inspires in us a bitter thought: nothing forced us, we were weak and vain and now here is that woman, our daughter, showing up at dawn on a winter's day to tell us something that might overturn our serenity forever. 5mo
Texreader Aaaaaah!!! 5mo
BarbaraBB I have this one waiting for me. Is it good?? I hate such long sentences ☺️ 5mo
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charl08 @Texreader right? 5mo
charl08 @BarbaraBB it's not really my bag, but I'm half way through and it's not too long so I think I'll probably finish it. Too much anticipation/signalled foreboding for me! 5mo
BarbaraBB Thanks! I‘ll temper my expectations! 5mo
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