So close to the end. The premise and writing is intriguing, but as it went on and on and on I became so bored out of my skull I just couldn‘t keep going.
So close to the end. The premise and writing is intriguing, but as it went on and on and on I became so bored out of my skull I just couldn‘t keep going.
I loved the premise, but hoped for more plot than this volume offered. Yes, it did well exploring the internal lives of the six women, but I had hoped the plot would unfold more than it ultimately did.
I haven't been able to think of anything but whoopie pies ever since reading this book about a blue girl who is fed moon pies. Since I'd never eaten a whoopie pie and don't know any place that sells them I had to turn to Mark Bittman for a recipe and all I got to say is WHERE HAVE WHOOPIE PIES BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!
Need a palette cleanser after a psychological thriller book hangover and this seems perfect.
When Santa stopped by a bookstore 🎅🏽📚💙
This book is making me want moon pies. Sans secrets.
I'm sorry what??? The best thing I got from this book was some inspiration to make moon pies! I don't get it and was confused and disappointed by the ending. As far as the secrets go, give me more!!!! My biggest critique was the secrets were not original or well thought out. I had high hopes but ended the book confused and disappointed 🤔😖
For #Recommendsday, one of my favorites of 2015, about a girl who is literally blue, and who eats moon pies full of secrets. So, so weird and so, so wonderful. 💙🤘🏻📚