“Because we lose a lot, all of us, on our journeys. There's no way around that. But we find a lot, too, if we're lucky. And I was.”
#12BooksOf2024 July
“Because we lose a lot, all of us, on our journeys. There's no way around that. But we find a lot, too, if we're lucky. And I was.”
#12BooksOf2024 July
“But it's not the sandwich that matters Coyote. It's someone bringing you the sandwich.”
Sequel to The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise
Book 2 about Coyote, a teen who lost her mom and 2 sisters in a car crash, and travels with her dad in a tricked out school bus. Grief is always at their fingertips and they can‘t seem to settle…
Coyote is back. I loved this one just as much as the first book. Coyote needs to find a very important and special book that is somewhere along the route she and her dad traveled before settling down. Old friends and new ones join her on the journey that is every bit as wonderful as you‘d expect.
There‘s this bookstore in the town that‘s closest to civilization from my home. I try to stop in when I‘m up that way bc she gives you an ARC with purchase. Did I need another copy of James?! No, but signed first edition?! I couldn‘t pass it up. My students are going to be JACKED to see Book 2 in the Coyote Sunrise series and I needed Book 2 of Shady Hollow. Bottom 3 are the ARCs I chose. How perfect is The Great River to go along with James?! 🤩
Not at all surprised to love this story just as much as the first. Enough back story given it could be read alone, but best suited as a follow up to The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise. To be surrounded by new and not-so-new-anymore friends who lead and guide from the heart, this story is one for all ages!
I love, love, LOVED the first Coyote book and this one was just as great. Coyote Sunrise is one of my most favorite characters of all time. She has the biggest heart and the best wit (for a 13 year old). Wally and Doreen were the right people to join the pod. My 3 answers: The Remarkabke Journey of Coyote Sunrise, Camping on Whidbey Island, & PB&J (strawberry). Book #21 in 2024