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Lovers and Liars
Lovers and Liars: A Novel | Amanda Eyre Ward
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Three wildly different sisters reunite for a destination wedding at an English castle in this heartfelt and rollicking novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Jetsetters. The sort of novel that simultaneously tempts you to devour it in one greedy gulp and begs you to slow down and savor each page.Jenny Jackson, author of Pineapple Street Once upon a time, the Peacock sisters were little girls who combed each others tangled hair. But decades of secrets have led them to separate livesand to telling lies, to themselves and to one another. Sylvie is getting married. Again. A librarian and widow who soothes her grief by escaping into books (and shelving them perfectly), Sylvie has caught the attention of an unlikely match: Simon Rampling, a mysterious, wealthy man from Northern England. Sylvie allows herself to imagine a life beside himone filled with the written word, kindness, and companionship. Shes ready to love again . . . or is she? Cleo is the golden child. A successful criminal defense lawyer with the perfect boyfriend, she is immediately suspicious of Simon. Is he really who he says he is? Cleo heads to Mumberton Castle with a case of investigative files, telling herself she will expose Simon and save her sister from more heartbreak . . . but who is she really trying to save? Emma is living a lie. She cant afford this fancy tripand she definitely cant tell her husband and sons why. She once dreamed of a line of her own perfumes. Fragrances allowed her to speak in silence. Now, that tendency for silence only worsens her situation. Will she emerge with her dignity and family intact? When their toxic mother shows up, the sisters assume the roles they fell into to survive their childhood . . . but they just might find the courage to make new choices. Set over a spectacularly dramatic weekend, in the grand halls of a sprawling castle estateamid floor-to-ceiling libraries, falconry lessons, and medieval mealsLovers and Liars is the unforgettable story of a familys ability to forgive and to find joy in one another once again.
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Lovers and Liars: A Novel | Amanda Eyre Ward
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Three estranged sisters find their way back to one another in Ward‘s latest novel. I‘ve been a fan of hers since first discovering her in 2008! Leading up to librarian youngest sister‘s, Sylvie‘s, wedding, I enjoyed seeing all three of these women develop over the course of the book. My husband and friend especially got a kick out of the menus included here! A fast and entertaining read, I am looking forward to reading whatever Ward writes next!

Lovers and Liars: A Novel | Amanda Eyre Ward
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Lovers and Liars: A Novel | Amanda Eyre Ward
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Three wildly different sisters reunite for a destination wedding at an English castle in this heartfelt and rollicking novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Jetsetters.

#aardvarkbookclub #jointoday

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Lovers and Liars: A Novel | Amanda Eyre Ward
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I almost skipped because I wasn‘t super jazzed about any of their choices this month, but I enjoy getting the box so much and like continuing to support @AardvarkBookClub . Don‘t forget to pick up James for #CampLitsy24 as an add-on! #aardvark

AardvarkBookClub Thanks so much for the support friend! We appreciate you more than you know 🥹🫶🥰 3mo
Megabooks @AardvarkBookClub I‘ve been a member since month one! Love everything you‘re doing for the book community!! 🤩🫶🏻 3mo
BarbaraBB How cool that they know how supportive you‘ve been 💕 3mo
See All 9 Comments
vlwelser I'm struggling this month also. The main character in the Vietnamese book has the same name as one of my favorite employees so I may just randomly pick that. 3mo
DebinHawaii I‘m so bummed. I went to grab James yesterday for #CampLitsy24 but it‘s sold out. 😫 I should have gotten it in April I guess. 3mo
Megabooks @DebinHawaii oh no! When I looked early in the day, it was still there! 3mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB it is! I love aardvark! 3mo
Megabooks @vlwelser I was tempted by that one but I never end up reading the thrillers I get from aardvark or BOTM (when I was a member there). 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
DebinHawaii @Megabooks Yeah, I was traveling & didn‘t get back until last night so I‘m sure they got snapped up! Oh well! 3mo
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