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Memories of Underdevelopment
Memories of Underdevelopment | Edmundo Desnoes
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A study of Cuban society before and after the revolution as seen throught the eyes of a man who is a landlord and self-s tyled writer.
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Set against the lead up to the Cuban Missile Crisis, Desnoes's MC is a petite bourgeois whose furniture shop was nationalised during the revolution, who lives off his compensatory income, and who by turns supports and hates the social changes with a mix of disdain, arrogance, timidity and self-loathing. He's also misogynistic, sexually objectifies women and is completely self-centred. Desnoes is certainly making a socio-political comment, ⬇️

Bookwomble ... though the best I could make of it was, “everything is shit“.
3.5⭐ if you don't mind deeply flawed and rather unpleasant protagonists, whose existential suffering is, nonetheless, human and pitiful.
(edited) 2mo
TrishB Love the bookmark. And everything is shit is sometimes just the deal. 2mo
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"Parquear la tiñosa: park the buzzard; leave an unsolved problem in someone else's hands."

I like this Cuban saying, and will be looking for an opportunity to tell somebody they can't park their buzzard with me! ??

Jari-chan Oh, I like that one 😁 2mo
Cathythoughts That‘s very good 👍🏻 ❤️ 2mo
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"At the moment the U.S. embargo is effectively cutting off communication with Cuba."
- Introduction by Jack Gelba (March 1967)

"All those who loved me and kept bothering me right up to the last minute have left now."
- Edmundo Desnoes

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

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"I'm all screwed up because I've looked into things more than is good for my own health; don't know why the hell I read so much. That's why I'm here all paralysed." ???

Dilara That quote describes my current feelings exactly 😞 2mo
Bookwomble @Dilara I can feel that way, too, at times, so it resonated with me, also. I hope you're able to find some tranquil inner space to decompress 💖 2mo
Dilara @Bookwomble Thanks! Only 1 month to go until I'm on holiday 😋 Also, I'll feel relief once Macron stops equivocating and asks the party that won the election to form a government. Right now, it feels like we're on the edge of a coup... 2mo
Bookwomble @Dilara You must be counting down the days 😊 I feel grateful that Britain voted in at least a nominally left wing party. I hope that acts to moderate the pull towards the right of our political discourse, but who knows... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and our French neighbours🤞💙🤍❤️ 2mo
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I haven't read a Cuban author yet, so though I'd remedy that with this recent acquisition #Cuba 🇨🇺
Written in 1967 and set at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the blurb on this 1971 edition says it's written in the form of the diary of a Havana businessman trying (and apparently failing) to come to terms with the political turmoil of his times.
Pretty short - 128 pages - sounds good🤞

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