A bit of a mixed bag. Some great horror moments, but the characters are really flat and the ending is underwhelming.
A bit of a mixed bag. Some great horror moments, but the characters are really flat and the ending is underwhelming.
#24B4Monday @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 #teamstoker
Scifi/horror- really liked this one!
7hr48min total so far
My pick for the #sfftbrchallenge 8: as close to horror as possible.
Even though the twist was fairly obvious, I enjoyed it. It created the cramped feeling of having no escape. Plus, the illustrations in this edition are gorgeous!
This cover makes me think “Titanic in space!” 😂
Just saw the teaser for Syfy‘s Nighflyers series. It looks fantastic and of course now I‘ve got to go read GRRM‘s novella 🤓