I'm really sick, have a bad cough,my ribs hurt.
Enjoyed listening to this while in bed
I'm really sick, have a bad cough,my ribs hurt.
Enjoyed listening to this while in bed
I love his books got this book at a yard sale just not getting into the book so far it‘s pretty interesting #JamesPatterson I like to read more than one book at a time gives me kind of a rush with different authors and stories
Action packed page turner with some interesting twists regarding a kidnapping.
First book in 2019
1/52 ☑️
Private London
by James Patterson & Mark Pearson
Manage to finished it under 12hr. No surprise here, it a damn good one!
Btw I didn't read preview of Private L.A on the few last pages.
I'm holding myself from getting more books before finish reading 9 books and another 10 e-books that I got last year.
I didn't take a note how many books that I've read last year. This year I challenge myself to read at least 52 books.
More couch time, wrapping up another half finished library book.
Somehow the world's most boring writer has a whole shelf dedicated to him. How is he making money?? #jamespatterson #barnesandnoble