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Honor | Thrity Umrigar
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#12Booksin2022 I read a lot of great books in December, so it was hard to choose a favorite, but this one packed a punch, and I'll be thinking about it for a long time. @Andrew65

Andrew65 This looks a good read. Thanks for playing along, it has been a great way to review the Reading year. 2y
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#12booksin2022. As a middle schooler/teen in the 90s I was obsessed with Nirvana and I have loved the Foo Fighters. This is not a tell-all. Instead, I found it a warm retelling of important moments in Dave Grohl‘s life and career. It is respectful all those in his life and never puts anyone down. I found the stories about his daughter most touching.

Andrew65 This has been a popular choice this year. 2y
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October #12booksin2022 I read Free Food for Millionaires this month too which I LOVED but this book BLEW MY MIND! People need to read more and stop being so crazy! Also public education, health care need to be fully funded for everyone! Enough of this American dream shit. Take care of each other, it‘s not weakness. It‘s community and society

Andrew65 Similar issues in the U.K. at the moment with lack of funding for education, health and social care, and just rank bad governance. 2y
mcctrish @Andrew65 the current premier in Ontario is systematically dismantling health and education at an alarming speed 2y
Andrew65 @mcctrish Yes so many similarities, our health service is on it knees and ready to collapse following 12 years of mismanagement and lack of funding. (edited) 2y
5feet.of.fury Agree. I loved the community and ingenuity of the people featured in this book… but then… why do we have this set up that it‘s the only way people can see to survive? And still bogged down with financial/healthcare stress 2y
mcctrish @5feet.of.fury yes exactly, I loved that they found their people and I know not everyone wants a house in one spot and the same job until they die but the conspiracy theorists and living off the grid to reduce costs shouldn‘t have to be someone‘s retirement plan 2y
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This whole trilogy is a beautiful take on Russian history and folklore, and I loved the overarching feminist theme! The books was an amazing ending and I will probably read the whole trilogy again. #12booksin2022. October pick!

Andrew65 Sounds brilliant. 2y
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Troubled Blood | Robert Galbraith
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#12booksin2022 I love this series and this one did not disappoint. My September pick!

The Cuckoo's Calling | Robert Galbraith
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And so to bring me up-to-date on the #12BooksOf2022, this is another one that took me by surprise. I‘ve never read the Harry Potter series. I read The Casual Vacancy and though it was dreadful. So I stayed away from the Strike series. But after seeing so many people so excited for each new release, I decided to give the first a try. Since then, I‘ve binge-read most of the books series and binge-watched the TV series.


MicrobeMom I love this series and the tagged book was in my #12booksin2022 2y
Andrew65 This series does seem popular. 2y
Lucy_Anywhere I‘m really enjoying this series and the relationship between Strike and Robin is wonderful 2y
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In the summer my record-keeping went to pot! So here are 3 books I read around then that were EXCELLENT (even if they don‘t directly correspond to a month!)

Oxygen Mask (US: Ain‘t Burned All the Bright) - stunning graphic novel poem/artwork.
Darkness - fascinating non-fiction around light pollution and it‘s effects
Telegraph Club: Lovely historical coming of age story, set in San Francisco‘s Chinatown.

All highly recommended! #12booksin2022

Andrew65 All look good reads. 2y
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The Great Santini | Pat Conroy
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#12booksin2022 this is my August pick. I have met a Pat Conroy book I haven‘t loved. I had not read this one yet, and it did not disappoint.

Andrew65 Sounds an excellent read. 2y
Leftcoastzen I love Pat Conroy . 2y
Blaire Oh I loved this book and basically everything he had written. 2y
MicrobeMom @Leftcoastzen @Blaire Pat Conroy is the best!! 2y
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The Atlas Six | Olivie Blake
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#12Booksin2022. June was a lean month for my. This one was a 4⭐️. It could have been better but, I enjoyed and I am look forward to book 2.

Andrew65 Looks a good choice having read the blurb. 2y
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