Having taught BEOWULF for a number of years to my sophomore honors, why didn't I have them read this, too? This book is not simply a retelling of BEOWULF from the monster's point of view; it is highly intellectual and philosophical as Grendel seeks to find some sort of meaning to his life. Drawn to and repulsed by humans, he reminds me of Frankenstein's creature, who also seeks the purpose to his existence. ⬇️
@Cuilin 13mo
#EarlyMedieval: 1 pt.
#Artist: 1 pt.
#Confession: 1 pt.
#Revenge: 1 pt.
#AQuest: 1 pt.
#Mythical: 1 pt.
#Retelling: 1 pt.
TOTAL: 7 points
#BookedInTime 12mo