My Bingo Results #bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge
My Bingo Results! #bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge #ChapterBreakBingo
I am using this for the free space for my goals because ... Well I think this will be the last book I read this month (seeing as tomorrow is May)
I enjoyed this book. However there were a lot of parts that made me super angry. Like I don't have an issue with hot and heavy, I like hot and heavy but I don't think that solves relationships. I don't know.. I would say this book was a bit of a so-so for me
#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge
So this one was super twisty all the way to the end. I really enjoyed it :) It love this author!
#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge #ChapterBreakBingo
I just finished this one! I really enjoyed the story. I felt like this was a great book in conjunction with reading my #NWC book of “Hidden Figures“. Thank you @AsYouWish for the recommendation! Also I am going to be able to use this book for several of my bingo prompts. I am counting it this as a “bookish book club rec“ because you recommended this to me and we are in a book club :)
#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge
Arguments can be made. It sounds like he falls somewhere on the spectrum.
#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge #NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
I really liked this as an introduction into the world of Sherlock! The first part was super interesting and great... The second part less so. Just felt like I really didn't need to read/understand part 2. It added very little to the story.
My favorite part was mostly just getting to know these two gentleman. Starting the next one soon soon soon!
#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC) #bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge #ChapterBreakBingo
I kinda wish it was a Series. I really would love to follow her into the next phase in her life.
#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge #ChapterBreakBingo