#alessoninvengeance #victorialee #booklover #bookstagram #booknerd #bookaddict #bookaddiction #bookworm #booklove #bookblogger I seriously wanted to like this book but it was dull and the plot was everywhere
#alessoninvengeance #victorialee #booklover #bookstagram #booknerd #bookaddict #bookaddiction #bookworm #booklove #bookblogger I seriously wanted to like this book but it was dull and the plot was everywhere
#fullmeasures #rebeccayarros #booktok #booktoker #bookstagram #bookaddict #bookaddiction #bookinkandfairytales #bookgeek #booknerd #bookphotography #bookblogger #bookshelf #bookromance #booklover OMG I just finished Full Measures by Rebecca Yarros in three days i couldn‘t put it down loved it so much!
#anotsomeetcute #thecanebrothersseries #book #bookworm #bookstagram #booknerd #goodreads #bookaddict #bookaddiction #bookphotography just finished A not so meet cut is had spice drama love it was funny at times over all I like the book #smutbookstagram #spicybookstagram #meghanquinn
#erinwatt #brokenprince #book #booklover #booknerd #bookaddict #bookaddiction #theroyals #bookstagram #paperprinncess just finished the broken prince 👑 will be reading the rest of the series
#thethirddaughter #adriennetooley #booktok #bookaddiction #bookaholic #bookgeek #booknerd #bookworm #bookacholic just finished reading the third Daughter it really kept my interest it does have a little LGBTQ in the book Absolutely love the characters Can‘t wait to read the second in the series ❤️
#sistersofswordandsong #rebeccaross #book #bookstagram #booknerd #booklover #bookaddict #bookaddiction #readingisfun #readingislife just finished Rebecca Ross book Sisters of Sword and song what a great book Rebecca Ross is one of my favorite authors
#mockingjay #suzannecollins #hungergames #thehungergameseries #thehungergames #goodread #bookstagram #booklover #booknerd #bookgeek #bookaddiction #bookaddict Just finished the final hunger games book 📖 it was all what I expected it to be
Latest #bookhaul ?? The bottom two were from my most recent trip to B&N and the top 2 were books that I passed up when I was there, but then changed my mind and ordered them ?? Then, I bought Gory Details in preparation for the June botm for #truecrimebookclub My "good girl" subscription for #probablysmutbookclub should be arriving tomorrow and I can't wait for the unboxing of that!! #bookaddiction #idonthaveaproblemyouhaveaproblem
#itsnotsummerwithoutyou #thesummeriturnedprettyseries #bookstagram #booktok #booklover #booknerd #jennyhan @jennyhan #bookaddict #bookaddiction Just finished reading it‘s not summer without It a great second half of Belly‘s and Conrad story
Jeanne St. James did it again with Finn. Writing an MC story unlike any I've read before. This book made me laugh and got me heated. Best part was the male strippers! A good choice if your looking for a laugh. Check out my review today!
#rebelsbookalicioussisterhood #mcromanceseries #blueavengersmc #jeannestjames #bookaddiction #fakerelationship #bookrecs #tbrlist #KU #mcseries