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A Not So Meet Cute
A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
43 posts | 34 read | 10 to read
How did you two meet? The quintessential question asked to every couple. And the answer is usually some bubbly, lovey dovey tale of being struck in the bum by Cupid's arrow. My meet cute (well not so meet cute) is slightly different. I was trolling a wealthy neighborhood in Beverly Hills, searching for someone to take me as their bride, you know, to make my arch nemesis jealous who consequently just fired me. He was stomping around the block like some sort of gorgeous ogre, mumbling about a business deal gone wrong and attempting to finagle his way out of it. And that's when we bumped into each other. There were no sparks. Not even a hint of blossoming love. But next thing I knew, I was scarfing down free chips and guac, listening to this man lay out all of his problems which led to his big ask . . . he wanted me to be his Vivian Ward, you know, from Pretty Woman--minus the frisky behavior. We're talking about living in a mansion, intimate double dates, and pretending we were head over heels in love . . . and engaged. Can you imagine? The absolute audacity. But people do crazy things when they're desperate. And I reeked of desperation. So, I struck up a deal. My one big mistake, though . . . big . . . HUGE? I accidentally fell for the incomparable Huxley Cane.
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn

May 30, 2024 I would give this 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I did not really find it enticing; mainly filled with a lot of sexual content and banter between Lottie and Huxley

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn

May 30, 2024 Very close to finshing the book. There was a lot of anger, drama, sexual tension (large sections spread throughout the book) and love between Lottie and Huxley. In the beginning, Lottie was not sure whether she would find a HOT guy like Huxley while out on a jog but she did. Ever since she met him, had casual sex with him, asked questions to get to know him more, she has felt more attracted than ever and he feels the same way.

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn

May 26, 2024 Happy Sunday! Read more today and got to page 130. I have been in a reading mode and lately have been picking up romance books. Idk why but for some reason romance novels are easy to read. If the author is RIGHT then the book is easier to read. Comment below your view on choosing the right book.

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#anotsomeetcute #thecanebrothersseries #book #bookworm #bookstagram #booknerd #goodreads #bookaddict #bookaddiction #bookphotography just finished A not so meet cut is had spice drama love it was funny at times over all I like the book #smutbookstagram #spicybookstagram #meghanquinn

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn

May 24, 2024 Oops, I think I just noticed that I am reading the Meghan Quinn books out of order. Whatever right? I mean i have already reached page 74 in the book. Jeez I can really read 🤪

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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May 24, 2024 Starting this beauty today.

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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I've been in a really weird reading mood lately and just wasn't vibing with these characters. Once I got behind on the #littensloveromance buddy read, I just had no desire to catch up 🙃

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
CogsOfEncouragement Here‘s hoping you find something you love soon. I recently read Apples Never Fall and gave it 5⭐️ It is available on kindle unlimited. Looking forward to the limited series on peacock next week. 4mo
KadaGul @peanutnine if you are in Meh 🫤 😑 state Read #BromanceBookClub series it will make you laugh enough to bring you back to reading state. 4mo
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peanutnine @dabbe yes! I'm so embracing the bail this year!! 4mo
peanutnine @CogsOfEncouragement @KadaGul thank you both for the recommendations! Both books are on my TBR so I might need to bump them up sooner! 🥰 4mo
StayCurious I totally get being in a bail state of mind. Hope you find something that makes you happily stick to the end soon! 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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This book had me laughing so much. I mostly listened to the audiobook, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Great fun! A bit too spicy for me, but I enjoyed reading it along with #LittensLoveRomance . Thanks for hosting, @StayCurious !
#Pantone2024 @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB Gorgeous collage 🩷🧡 4mo
julieclair @BarbaraBB Thank you! 4mo
StayCurious Yeah it was surprising how spicy it was. You never can tell with a new to you author! 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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A fun, lol, spicy read. Thank you, @StayCurious for hosting #LittensLoveRomance. This was a great pick for February.

#BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024
@TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

SarahBookInterrupted @StayCurious Can you add me to the next buddy read #littensloveromance 4mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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StayCurious Thanks so much for joining in! 4mo
Garabrandtreviews Ok I loved this one. I actually got the paper copy because it had illustrations. I thought it would be for the cuter interactions, but some of them were low level spicy 4mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 🎉🎉🎉 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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This was a funny, fast, spicy read. A great escape for a long week! #littensloveromance #romantsy #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks @StayCurious

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance I enjoyed the ending to this book - it was satisfying: the apology and the grand gesture and the deal with Dave. And sticking it to Angela was fun too. Overall I did enjoy this book. It was laugh out loud funny in parts and romantic. It was a fantasy and not quite realistic. I wasn‘t expecting quite the level of spice but I wasn‘t turning off my e-reader. ⬇️

StayCurious I do think sex played a big role in their attraction and relationship and maybe more conversation would have been nice for the reader. But I do want to read Kelsey‘s book and would be up for more from this author in the future. (edited) 4mo
Kshakal I really enjoyed this book and will for sure be reading more by this author! Can‘t wait until next month! 4mo
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julieclair I enjoyed this book, too, even though it was quite a bit spicier than I usually prefer. I was totally surprised by - and happy about - the way things ended with Dave. And the Angela scene - the best! It was fun reading this together. Thanks, as always, for the great job you do as our host! 😀 4mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I enjoyed the book too. Like all, I found myself laughing and didn‘t want it to end. I do agree that it was spicy. 4mo
Julsmarshall I like it too and was surprised with how satisfying the ending was even though it happened pretty quickly. I downloaded the next in the series because I want to see what happens with JP and Kelsey :) Thanks for arranging, @StayCurious ! (edited) 4mo
OriginalCyn620 I enjoyed it too! I agree that the ending was satisfying and I‘m glad that things worked out with Dave the way that it did. And I‘m so glad about the clap back to Angela! Thanks for hosting, Renee! 😊 4mo
Read4life Renee do we have our March read yet? Thanks for hosting 💙 4mo
StayCurious @Read4life I will be posting the vote tomorrow 😊 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Two editions of this book & not one bingo spot for #ISpyBingoFebruary.I took the liberty of using one edition for wrapping paper for #ISpyBingoJanuary, which I'm still working on. This was a #BuddyRead for #LitsyLoveRomance. It had good characters and a good storyline, but the early sex parts were a little bit unbelievable for me.Good for #ReadAway2024.Thanks for Hosting
@StayCurious @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

TheAromaofBooks I liked this one to start but felt like it got too focused on spice and not enough on the story as we went on lol 4mo
LiseWorks @TheAromaofBooks I felt like there was no way I would let a guy do what he did the first time. It felt like rape. 4mo
TheAromaofBooks I agree. 😬 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance So sorry I fell asleep early last night again! #toddlermomlife But I had to jump in and ask: how do we think Ellie found out the truth? Could it have something to do with Angela (the rich run in small circles so they could know each other). I feel for Huxley and the horrible problem he finds himself in, but I‘m also annoyed that he immediately distrusts Lottie. He should be rushing to defend her. ⬇️

StayCurious Ugh - not sure how they‘ll fix this but I sense a big fight on the horizon. And a break up and make up. Maybe a bit of groveling. We‘ll finish up tomorrow (I promise haha)! (edited) 4mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m thinking possibly something to with Angela. Poor Huxley. 4mo
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OriginalCyn620 My first thought was that Angela was behind it! 4mo
LiseWorks That baby class was so funny, and I think maybe that is what gave it away. 🤔 For someone who was expecting, they were afraid to even touch the demon baby lol. 4mo
Julsmarshall Feels so close to the end but still so much to work through! 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.18-19: Sorry about missing yesterday. Usually I miss a post because I fall asleep as soon as my son does 😄 anyway, I will post again tonight so we don‘t fall behind but I wanted to make mention of these chapters and how happy I am that Lottie and Hux are finally talking and being honest with each other (and finally getting it on thank you very much)⬇️

StayCurious . Hux is a real sweetheart when he allows Lottie to see the real him. But how will they get out of their lies to Dave and Ellie? Someone is bound to get hurt I think. 4mo
LiseWorks This is exactly what I'm thinking, are they going to come clean to Dave? 4mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m still wondering about how they are going to tell Dave and Ellie. 4mo
julieclair I‘m afraid the Dave & Ellie aspect of this story is not going to end well. 4mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Feb20:Ch.16&17: lying in the rain sounds nice - if you live in warm California. I kept thinking - you‘re going to freeze! go inside! But I guess that‘s Canadian rain I‘m thinking of haha. This was a sweet and sexy scene and I like Huxley more and more. I love that he‘s opening up more and showing his true personality. That‘s how he‘ll win Lottie - not going all cold on her.

Read4life I agree that Huxley needs to keep opening up and sharing. It was a great scene. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement Angela is THE WORST. I was glad Lottie didn‘t get worried that Angela did somehow see Hux out with someone else. 5mo
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julieclair It really was a sweet scene, and it‘s nice to see Huxley relaxing a bit and showing more of his real self. 5mo
LiseWorks Oh, I was thinking the same. It's cold, you're wet. Did they hear thunder? Go inside lol 5mo
Julsmarshall I loved these chapters too. Especially how they are starting to share vulnerable parts of themselves. Swoon! 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Read with the #LittensLoveRomance group so I don‘t want to say too much, but I had to go ahead and finish! I‘ve only read one other thing by this author but I‘d definitely check out others. Enjoyed it!

#bookspinbingo - got a 3rd bingo!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Feb19: Ch.14&15: there‘s a part of me (the romantic that has these types of fantasies) that completely gets why these two young, single, attractive people are getting it on behind closed doors. The other part of me is like: things are so complicated- why would you add sex and/or foreplay into the mix! I guess they just can‘t help themselves 😜.⬇️

StayCurious What do you think? Should they try to keep things professional or will sleeping together just open themselves to each other which may be a good thing? 5mo
KristiAhlers I loved this book. I am a totaly fan of this author. She's an autobuy writer for me. 5mo
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OriginalCyn620 At this point, they may as well just bang it out. After what they‘ve done so far, it‘d be stupid not to! 🤣 But yes, they really should because we know they won‘t be able to help themselves…the writing‘s on the wall. Still here for it, though! 5mo
julieclair I think sleeping together will make life easier for both of them. 5mo
Julsmarshall I‘m on team #bangitout too. 5mo
LiseWorks I say get it out of the way, then they can see if they can get along when real life hits. 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensloveRomance Feb 18: Ch.12-13: Omg - that Lamaze class was so funny and uncomfortable - and Lottie and Hux teasing each other in the car was laugh out loud funny. When these two finally smarten up and get together for real it‘s going to be fantastic! Asking those get to know you questions was a step in the right direction for sure.

Read4life I was laughing so hard during the class that my husband stopped what he was doing to ask me about it. 🤣🤣 5mo
julieclair That class was truly LOL for real! So cringeworthy! 5mo
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OriginalCyn620 Okay, for real I want to know if this pregnancy class was something the author dreamed up or if she did research and this is an actual thing. WTF! I laughed reading it because I was hoping it was made up! It was bizarre but funny. And I‘m sorry, but I‘ve had 2 kids and couldn‘t tell you one detail about either conception, so I guess this class would be a moot point for me. And what even was the point of that? I got lost in the ridiculousness. (edited) 5mo
OriginalCyn620 But I did love the get-to- know you questions! I really hope this is the start of both Huxley (especially him) and Lottie being more open with each other. 5mo
Pigpen_Reads I laughed way too much at that scene! I'm curious as well. Is this an actual thing? 😂 5mo
LiseWorks That class can not be real! And now I am starting to really like Huxley. The question sessions are a good get to know you time. 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess That class was hilarious! I can‘t even imagine ! Huxley is starting to open up which I love seeing this side of him. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement Take THAT Angela! The way she described herself as a gorgeous goddess at the gala and Hux not remembering her one iota. The best. 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Feb.17: Ch.10-11: well…that discussion certainly escalated. I think these two are incredibly attracted to each other but I think Huxley is starting to feel more emotionally than he bargained for. He definitely could have handled the boardroom fiasco a bit better. But then again…she hasn‘t been at her best either. Learn from this! Be better!

OriginalCyn620 Indeed that conversation escalated quickly! 🤣 But I really don‘t blame Lottie for the boardroom thing…she was totally caught off guard! If anything, her sister and Huxley are more to blame since neither one told her about the meeting. And during the quickly escalating conversation Huxley could‘ve told her WHY the phone call was so important. I think Lottie would‘ve understood. Huxley needs to be more forthcoming with her! 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @OriginalCyn620 I totally agree. Huxley needs to open up more. Poor Lottie! 5mo
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LiseWorks I actually agreed with the advice Kelsey gave Lottie before the meeting. Yes, Kelsey should have told her who the meeting was with. Yes, she should have informed herself about the business before the meeting. But I really think what she did was so unprofessional. After all, it was her sister who was having the meeting. She should have kept to herself even if she did see Huxley. 5mo
Julsmarshall I feel like nearly everyone could have done better in these chapters. But Hux better get his act together or I‘m going to have a hard time getting over his extreme butthead behavior. 5mo
julieclair Hux, Kelsey and Lottie were all partially at fault for the boardroom fiasco. But they put all the blame on Lottie. Not really fair. 5mo
Pigpen_Reads The second-hand embarrassment I felt during the boardroom scene 🤦🏽‍♀️ They should have told Lottie. 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Feb16: Ch.8-9: I get the whole enemies to lovers thing is being played out here, but man, Huxley is a jerk! I‘m really looking forward to his glow up. Poor Lottie - although she gives as good as she gets, that‘s for sure. Interested to see where things go and want to see them treat each other nicer.

OriginalCyn620 Enemies-to-lovers is my favorite romance trope so I am here for this! I do love their back and forth banter. They are both head-strong people, but in different ways. I can already see how they‘d complement each other. To me, this is just pure fun! 😄 I absolutely cannot wait until the inevitable happens! 5mo
julieclair I love Lottie‘s feistiness! But I agree, I wish they would treat each other with more respect. 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m looking forward to them getting together but love how feisty Lottie is. She is full of fire!🔥 5mo
LiseWorks I can see here why Huxley is successful in business. He is very precise and business oriented. I think Lottie will make him more human and family oriented. 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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I really enjoyed this book. The banter at times between the two main characters and the two sisters really had me laughing.

Book 38/100 of the year.


StayCurious Wow 38 books! You‘re awesome 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Feb 15: Ch.6-7: Yeesh - what happened to Prince Charming? Where‘d he go? Poor Lottie! I mean, true she‘s a handful, but at least try to be nice to the woman who is saving your ass. Their fighting is funny though. I always worry during big lies like this. When is the truth going to come out? Because it always does…

LiseWorks Love those cats. Oh, I think the fighting and him being mean is because he is so focused on getting that deal that he sees all the potential of it going wrong. He is nervous and takes it out on her. 5mo
OriginalCyn620 First, the meme is hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣 (edited) 5mo
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OriginalCyn620 Second, I‘m totally #TeamLottie here. Just because they agreed to a “business transaction” doesn‘t mean Huxley can bark out orders as he sees fit. Lottie is still a human being, and as she is helping to save his reputation and possibly secure a very lucrative business deal, he could most definitely be decent to her. But I know they have to have this push and pull for the sake of the plot, and admittedly, I am here for it! 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Those cats are hilarious! And I agree, be a decent human being! I am loving the snarkyness though…it‘s so funny! 5mo
peanutnine Yeah not on board with this side of Huxley. From his POV chapter it seems like he's afraid to show how much he actually appreciates Lottie but he needs to get over himself 5mo
julieclair I‘m glad Lottie is giving him grief for the way he is being so rude to her. She may be under contract, but she‘s still willing to stand up for herself. She knows her own worth. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks I feel like Huxley made a big character switch in this chapter. What does he gain by being rude instead of pleasant? I'm totally here for Lottie's relationship with her sister though 😂 5mo
Julsmarshall Loving Lottie, Hux definitely too much of a jerk for me right now. I‘m hoping we see a softer side soon! I so enjoyed the banter of the first few chapters. 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Happy Valentine‘s Day!! Feb 14: ch.4: I mean - good for Lottie for saying no but honestly I would have said YES! Ok, maybe not. I‘m not a great liar. But Huxley was almost convincing enough that I wanted to give it a try. Also, I‘m sad there are no Chipotle‘s in my city. It sounds yummy. ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.5: oh Huxley is baaad. The lengths he will go to…but hey, if someone showed up and offered to pay my student loans, I‘d be doing a happy dance. Lottie better watch out - this will be harder than either of them are thinking right now. 5mo
LiseWorks I would have said yes as well. Wasn't she looking for a rich boyfriend? 5mo
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Graciouswarriorprincess @StayCurious I am there with you on paying off the student loans! Huxley is bada** but he knows that he screwed up and what is at stake for him and his family business. 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I actually had to go get Chipotle today after reading about it in these chapters. 🤭 5mo
peanutnine @Graciouswarriorprincess lol same. Also because everyone at work got it yesterday and didn't ask if I wanted any. Rude. 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @peanutnine That was rude, sorry! 😞 5mo
OriginalCyn620 Yeah, I get where Lottie is coming from, but also, I don‘t know if I could‘ve said no to Huxley. And totally agree that this is/will get more complicated than either of them bargained for! But that just means it‘s more fun for us 🤣 5mo
julieclair @OriginalCyn620 Agreed! Complicated is fun! 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Feb 13: Ch.2: Oh, this poor delusional girl-out trolling the streets for a rich husband?The back & forth between her & her sister is funny though! And that she is using an old water bottle as a prop.
Ch.3: well that certainly is a funny first meeting! I‘m glad they‘re both honest abt what they‘re looking for from the get go. He needs a fake fiancée and she needs a rich bf. Nothing complicated about that! Ha, We‘ll see.

peanutnine These two are both disasters omg 😅 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I never laughed so hard in these two chapters! I loved when she told her sister that she wouldn‘t get murdered at Chipotle because guac was extra! 😂🤣 5mo
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LiseWorks I loved the sisters together and yes I giggled alot, and my husband kept looking at me lol 5mo
OriginalCyn620 I too am loving the sister relationship! Their banter was great and I felt the love between them. And I agree that at least Lottie and Huxley were honest with each other, even though they just met. It‘s kinda nice that the plot isn‘t starting off with lies. 5mo
Read4life Both sets of sibling relationships are interesting. I laugh when the sisters converse. A strong start to this one. 5mo
julieclair I love the sister relationship! And I laughed at Lottie and Huxley‘s ridiculous not so meet cute. I‘m liking Huxley a bit better than I did yesterday. And I love Lottie! Such a fun book so far! (edited) 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess This is a fun book and I love the sister banter! 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess But also the mom says she and hubby are going to dance around naked! 😂😅🤣 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance Feb 12: Prologue: Well, that certainly sucked! Can you say worst boss…nay…worst person ever? Poor Lottie! What is she going to do now?
Ch.1: there‘s a line in Friends where Pheobe says “see, this is why you don‘t lie!” And this…this right here…is why 😄 time to get a really good actress I suppose. They are in LA after all. And he has the money to hire someone. Unless something better comes along…and I have a feeling it will.

peanutnine I was expecting the lie about the fiancee, but he made her pregnant too?? That is so much harder to fake! And honestly if I were Dave, I'd think that was a bit too much of a coincidence 🤔 5mo
peanutnine PS - love the Chidi quote! 5mo
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OriginalCyn620 Yeah, the boss/friend seems like a real twatwaffle. She blatantly lied to Lottie and knew she was going to fire her from the beginning. And I agree with @peanutnine…that is way too coincidental to be believable! But that whole scene was funny. Huxley just stood there digging himself into a deeper hole! I can‘t wait for the not so meet cute! 5mo
julieclair Hhmmmm…. Not a fan of Huxley, even less of a fan of that ridiculous boss… but I like Lottie, and I also like Dave and his pregnant fiancée. Maybe Huxley and the ridiculous boss could have their own not so meet cute, and Lottie could have a real meet cute with some nice guy? ?? 5mo
Skygoddess1 Talk about an opening that hooks its claws into you. Poor Lottie, but given the kind of “friend” Angela is, Lottie is definitely better off without her. As for Huxley, man on man I cannot wait to see how things go for him and his “pregnant fiancée” all so he can land a deal, lol. 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Just a reminder that our February #LittensLoveRomance #buddyread starts tomorrow with the prologue and chapter 1. Then we will read 2 chapters a day until done. All are welcome to join us!

OriginalCyn620 Can‘t wait! 😛 5mo
julieclair Yay! 5mo
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Julsmarshall Can‘t wait to start! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
Skygoddess1 Forgot to throw my hat in the ring on this one, but will also be reading along 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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A super fun and super spicy pretty womanesque romance that checks all the boxes! I will definitely be reading more of her books!

#littensloveromance @StayCurious

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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I have never read a smut book with illustrations before!! #littensloveromance @StayCurious

dabbe Me: 😱 5mo
AnnCrystal What @dabbe said...🤭. 5mo
StayCurious Wow! What edition did you find!? That‘s a nice pic actually 5mo
Kshakal @StayCurious I am not sure what version it is… I got it from my local library! 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Starting this one early as I checked it out from the library and is due back in the middle of the month! #littensloveromance @StayCurious

KadaGul @Kshakal I loved 🥰 Runaway Groomsmen #MeghanQuin 5mo
Kshakal @KadaGul I will put it on my list! 🤓 5mo
KadaGul @Kshakal you will adore Grandpa and his cabin. I couldn't stop laughing ? everytime his Grandpa said," I am not paying you sit around and do nothing." The guy being polite never corrected the grandpa but always said to himself, " you are not paying me anything". (edited) 5mo
Read4life I agree with @KadaGul . Runaway Groomsman is really good! 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Repost for @StayCurious

#LittensLoveRomance With nearly 50% of a great voter turn out, we‘ve made our February selection! This one is on Kindle Unlimited (at least here in Canada) so check there if you have KU. We‘ll be starting this one mid February and all are welcome to join. Let me know if you want to be tagged in my daily posts or if you want to be removed from the main tag list.

Skygoddess1 It‘s also available on KU in the US 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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#LittensLoveRomance With nearly 50% of a great voter turn out, we‘ve made our February selection! This one is on Kindle Unlimited (at least here in Canada) so check there if you have KU. We‘ll be starting this one mid February and all are welcome to join. Let me know if you want to be tagged in my daily posts or if you want to be removed from the main tag list.

willaful Not available for me so I'll sit this one out. 5mo
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Graciouswarriorprincess Please include me, thanks! 😊 5mo
Catsandbooks I'm gonna pass on this one. 5mo
OriginalCyn620 Yay! I‘m in! 5mo
peanutnine Tag me please! ☺️ 5mo
BethM Crud I‘m going to have to pass- not a library, Libby, or Scribd. 5mo
Julsmarshall I‘ve been wanting to read this one so I‘m in! 5mo
julieclair I‘m in! Thanks for the tip about Kindle Unlimited. 5mo
Read4life I‘m in! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm in!! 5mo
CatLass007 The description compares this to Pretty Woman, parts of which I enjoy, but really is an awful movie that glorifies prostitution. I understand that no literal prostitution is involved in this book, but it seems that women are still reduced to prostituting themselves way too often in this world. 5mo
PageShifter Please tag me 5mo
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Book mail 📚

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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If you're looking for a fun and spicy Pretty Woman-esq romance then pick up this title. This author is quickly becoming a go-to choice for me when I want a light fun read. #LittensLoveRomance #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Sheesh @Pigpen_Reads - picking books off your list was quite dangerous for my own TBR! 😂 These all sound fun to me - hope you find a winner or two among them!!

As always, thanks for hosting @aperfectmjk !!

Pigpen_Reads Lol! Sorry about adding to your TBR! 🤪 thank you for the picks! 1y
aperfectmjk Phew! At least I got the right list out on this one. 🤣 1y
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A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Like in Pretty Woman, Lottie goes out looking for a husband in Beverly Hills after she gets fired. She runs into Huxley, who‘s looking for a fake pregnant fiancée. The more time they spend together, the more the feelings (and desires) begin to turn real.

I enjoyed this read & def recommend it. There was comedy, love, & spice, what more can one ask for? I liked the plot & the characters. The writing could‘ve been a little better though.

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn

Just not my jam. I think the writing style wasn't just for me.

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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Booktok peer pressure made me do it and I‘m here for it!!

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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It‘s completely unrealistic, of course, and totally predictable, but so what? It‘s a fun, spicy romance with the door wide open. Some readers will be put off by the commanding and domineering manner of the leading man, but others will swoon – to each their own, et cetera. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/a-not-so-meet-cute-meghan-quinn/

A Not So Meet Cute | Meghan Quinn
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SO good! If you love rom coms with some spice, this is the book for you. Exactly what I needed to help me get through the lulls in my day during harvest while I'm waiting for the next grain cart to pull up. Easy read, likeable characters, and an interesting plot line. Sure, you knew where it was going. The ride was still fun and light, entertaining to see it play out. I'm invested enough to read the next in the series! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Free-> #KindleUnlimited

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