8️⃣ Looking forward to this one, I loved Next Year in Havana, this novel focuses on another member of the Perez family #chanelcleeton #whenweleftcuba
8️⃣ Looking forward to this one, I loved Next Year in Havana, this novel focuses on another member of the Perez family #chanelcleeton #whenweleftcuba
A Reese‘s book club book so I have high hopes, looking forward to learning a bit more about the Cuban revolution too! I tend to pick books that are set in World War Two as I‘m so familiar with that period of history, so lots to learn here.
#nextyearinhavana #chanelcleeton
Didn‘t want to put this down. Great couple twists I did not see coming!
Heartwarmingly beautiful! This one will steal your heart away!
❤Fate, and timing, and all that.
Did I really ever stand a chance?😂🥰
#Love #ChanelCleeton #BeatrizPerez
Don‘t you love visiting an airport book shop and having some of your favorite authors jump out at you?
Headed home. I thought I‘d browse Denver‘s Intl Airport bookshop see what I truly needed to own. Then the darn gate girl rang my boarding call and I was only lucky enough to pickup and touch a few books. 😢
@BookishMarginalia and I will be there on Sunday!
Thank you so much Luxuread for sending me one of your amazing August boxes 😄❤ I loved it and I can't wait to use all the awesome little goodies 😊 I have heard great things about Next Year in Havana and I look forward to reading it 😄👌
#chanelcleeton #nextyearinhavana #bookworm #booklover #luxuread #bookbox
First time reading Chanel, and I am loving it! Fighter pilots! #currentread #chanelcleeton #flywithme