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Italian | Ann Radcliffe
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1️⃣ Robinson Crusoe
2️⃣ Quiet (the introvert book) & Reading People (Modern Mrs Darcy)
3️⃣ Lady Chatterley's Lover and The Swimming Pool Library
4️⃣ I can't choose just one book for some of these answers lol! But I will NEVER read Twilight!
5️⃣ Talking to the Dead or Harry Potter
6️⃣ The Italian or The Last Confession of Thomas Hawkins.
@JacintaMCarter #drunkbooksellerspicks

Untitled | Anonymous
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1) Paradise Lost
2) A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur‘s Court - would serve as a good warning of things NOT to do
3) Time was soft there
4) I buy too many of them? 😂
5) The woman in black
6) Wasted by Marya Hornbacher (reminds me of dark times but also of the possibility to break out of destructive behavior)

Hounded | Kevin Hearne
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1. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
2. Hounded (tagged book)
3. 7 by Jen Hatmaker
4. I feel guilt leaving bad reviews so I try to find something positive about every book AND I love how The Hunger Games ended.
5. Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
6. Love Wins by Rob Bell (faith is very personal and I don‘t push mine on others... but if you want a peek into how Jesus is to me, this is the book).

Cinfhen Great answers ~ great questions 7y
Smangela 4. That is an awesome idea - it‘s still someone‘s heart and soul, right? Think I‘ll try that too :) 7y
moranadatter I hear you on 4. I round up ratings too. 7y
AmandaL I leave almost exclusively good reviews too. 7y
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Full disclosure: I took the questions asked on every episode of the @DrunkBooksellers podcast and adapted them for the rest of us. Share the picture, answer the prompts, and tag me so I can see everyone's choices!

1. The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor
2. To Kill a Mockingbird
3. You Are Here (so what if it's a coloring book)
4. I'm glad the Divergent series ended the way it did.
5. Furiously Happy
6. The Thorn Birds


RaimeyGallant 2 for me is 7y
Suet624 Great responses. 7y
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