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Mockingjay | Suzanne Collins
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 3d
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚🐍🖤 4d
Eggs Great 👍🏼 🐍🖤 4d
LiseWorks I just watched the movie yesterday, it was long lol 4d
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Eggs 💛🐍💚 (edited) 4d
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The Selection | Kiera Cass
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The Grace Year | Kim Liggett

I honestly not sure what to think of this book. Dystopian can be hard to read, and this was. But it can also be eye-opening, which this was too. You have to get through the hard parts to see the good, and the change that can happen.

Camp Zero | Michelle Min Sterling
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I was really in the mood for a post-apocalyptic read. Camp Zero greatly lacked in world building, which is something I need for this type of book. The idea was intriguing: a camp at the top of the world where sex workers take center stage. Some sections I enjoyed, like how the perspectives came together but overall I found it seriously lacking and it will likely be forgettable.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
BarbaraBB I‘ve been curious about this one but won‘t bother after your review! 1w
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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One of the best books I have ever read. All the stars. This is a brilliant book about a community's decent into war. The author is able to make the reader believe it will all be OK as the world erupts around this family. I lost sleep to race to the end of this novel. #bookerwinner2023 If you only read one novel this year, read this! 5 🌟

AmyG This book was so good….I swear, I got heart palpitations. 2w
rmaclean4 @AmyG truly a masterpiece in pacing. 2w
tpixie Wow! 🤩 thanks for the recommendation. The Postcard by Anne Betest is the best book Fred that I‘ve readin a longtime 2w
rmaclean4 @tpixie thank you for the recommendation! 2w
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Julia | Sandra Newman
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Having a bit of an Orwell moment, I read Wifedom, in prep for reading 1984, in prep for reading this. I really liked how the character of Julia is reimagined - she is a fully flushed out person in this story. Not always a person you like, but realistically drawn. I appreciate that Newman keeps the dark tone of 1984, though the ending is a bit more optimistic which might be just the time we live in. I found her life in the dorms 👇

ChaoticMissAdventures And her relationships with the women there to be the most interesting part of this story. It is good to think about women in more detail in these environments -periods, contraception, pregnancy, and how inner party men abuse their positions. I thought Julia was a complex and often terrible person and it was interesting to see how far she would go and how she could justify her own actions. 2w
Hooked_on_books That‘s a good trio! I read all three of those this year as well. 2w
ChaoticMissAdventures @Hooked_on_books I thought it gave so much deeper context to everything. 2w
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Started the last book of this series this weekend. I‘ve really enjoyed the world he created and I‘m very excited to see how this ends. The weather today however, decided that it was a movie/crafting kind of day 😆. #lifelately #crossstitchingbooks #rainydaylove #booksallaround

The Maze Runner | James Dashner
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Entering a book slump after reading The Hunger Games prompted me to try another YA dystopian universe. Unfortunately, I was sorely disappointed (the book slump continues). Dashner's series lacks any real substance. There are no existential questions to ponder. No political meat. No political statement. No quest for morality. Which left the novel two-dimensional. The slang made the dialogue feel stilted and immature. (1/3).

TheIntrovertedDodoBird The characters were irksome and soulless. The randomly gifted protagonist felt cliched. Dashner's writing is a prime example of telling the reader instead of showing, which made the prose insipid. The description of the "strong female lead" was better suited to a Disney film, with her Snow White features. The quote - a pretty, feminine voice that sounded as if it came from a fairy goddess trapped in his skull - made me DNF. (2/3) 3w
TheIntrovertedDodoBird The queer-baiting aspect of the series irked me, as well, with Dashner announcing some of the characters were LGBTQ+ after the series ended. Then, there are the patriarchal undertones in the book that cemented the misogynistic portrayal of the female lead, in my opinion. It's frustrating since I made the mistake of purchasing the box set. (3/3). 3w
Bookwormjillk Oh bummer on the box set. Have you read Divergent or Ready Player One? It‘s been a few years but I remember liking those after Hunger Games. 3w
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @Bookwormjillk I'll never make the box set mistake again, that's for sure. I read Divergent as a teenager. I remember enjoying the first novel, but DNF'd the second. I haven't read Ready Player One, though. It's read on my TBR pile forever, so I might dig it out and give it a try now that you've recommended it. Thank you! 3w
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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