The film “Chariots of Fire” was based on the life of Eric Lidell.
The film “Chariots of Fire” was based on the life of Eric Lidell.
It has been quite a while since I've watched "Chariots of Fire". (I think I will be watching it again in the near future.) I have a feeling they could not touch on nearly enough of his life. His athleticism was amazing. His lifelong missionary work in China was exceptional, but who he was as a human being was truly inspiring!
"The good sportsman is in all of us."
I loved the movie “Chariots of Fire” and was inspired by the man who refused to run on the Sabbath.
#TheFinalRace by Eric T. Eichinger with Eva Marie Everson shares the full story of #EricLiddell. This book reminds us: “The best race you run isn‘t the most important one. How you finish the final race matters most.”
#whatimreading #whatimdoingnow #whatimreadingwednesday #heartencouragement