Our next pick for #ItsLit VBC!
Super excited for this month‘s #itslit VBC pick!
@jploves2read put together such a great swap! Thank you so much! I love it!! #Blitsyswap #BlitsyHistoryMonthSwap #BHM
Our next #ItsLit VBC meeting will be a discussion + watch party for the upcoming Netflix film. (Film trailer: https://www.amazon.com/Passing-Nella-Larsen/dp/1614270007/ref=nodl_)
Meeting scheduled for Nov 19th 5:30pm PT/ 8:30pm ET via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87176299528?pwd=TmNwSXJtbFBIWXNldFI4NWh2TzFTdz09
Update: the September meeting for #ItsLit VBC has been moved from 9/17 to Friday, 9/24 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET.
This month‘s selection is Want by Lynn Steger Strong (tagged).
Please let me know (and provide an email address) if you‘re interested in attending & being added to our Google calendar invite.
Here is the meeting link to join: https://meet.google.com/pon-hhjz-pgq
Our next pick for #ItsLit VBC- Want by Lynn Steger Strong. Meeting again on Friday, Sept 17th 5:30pm PT/8:30 ET
Has anyone started this month‘s selection yet? My hold came through on Libby yesterday and I‘m already about a third of the way through. Super cute, fun, and easy read so far! Hope you all are enjoying it too! 😆#itslit
Current read. I picked this one up on Libby after finishing with Convenience Store Woman. I‘m really enjoying Murata‘s storytelling style. Can‘t wait for the #ItsLit virtual book chat on the 19th.
#ItsLit VBC next meeting will be March 19th at 5:30PT/8:30ET. Our next reading selection is Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata.
This meeting will be hosted via Google Meet. Join the meeting: https://meet.google.com/pon-hhjz-pgq