Random book from our home library:
📖 Jesus by Michael Grant
Random book from our home library:
📖 Jesus by Michael Grant
It‘s said that MLK Jr. was inspired by Thurman‘s work & often carried a copy of this book with him. Published in 1949, Thurman‘s insightful wisdom is (unfortunately) still fresh & relevant today. Thurman discusses how hatred destroys both the oppressor & the disinherited—and offers Jesus and the truth of the Gospel as an example to follow, in love and in resistance. It was the second time I‘ve read this, and I got even more out of it this time.
'Twas the Evening of Christmas by Glenys Nellist (2017). This is a beautifully worded rendition of the Nativity story, similar to 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. The rhythmic phrases flow easily, providing a comforting and calming read-aloud experience that is perfect for the holiday season. The rhythmic framework draws readers in, making for a pleasant and melodic read-aloud experience, particularly for younger audiences.
I would use this as a holiday-themed sample of poetry. The students can compare the story's structure and rhyming.
This book describes Mary and Jospehs search to find a room on Christmas Eve. It is a beautiful book with amazing illustrations.
“Twas the Evening of Christmas, when all through the town, Every inn was so crowded, no room could be found.“
This books illustrations are beautiful! This book is fun and engaging for children of all ages!
“And high in the heavens, God whispered, “My Son, You'll bring hope to the world and love everyone.““
Nellist‘s lyrics, paired with delightful illustrations, creates a sense of wonder that appeals to both children and adults. The rhythmic storytelling flows beautifully, making it a perfect read-aloud for families or Sunday schools during the holiday season!