Day 25 - #Light #WordsOfOctober
#LightAPennyCandle #MaeveBinchy
I‘ve read and enjoyed almost all of Binchy‘s books.
Day 25 - #Light #WordsOfOctober
#LightAPennyCandle #MaeveBinchy
I‘ve read and enjoyed almost all of Binchy‘s books.
Day 8 - #LightTheWay #FlyHighJuly
#LightAPennyCandle #MaeveBinchy
Read and enjoyed this in 2018 as a group read.
Day 24 - #Candle #ReallyRandomFebruary
#LightAPennyCandle #MaeveBinchy
This was Maeve Binchy‘s debut novel. I read it 2 times and enjoyed it both times.
Have you finished this book? What was your overall view of the book? Rating?
What did you like most? Least?
Any thoughts on the key characters?
Please put any comments under spoilers so as not to spoil the reading fun of other readers.
#MaeveBinchyBuddyRead #LightaPennyCandle
Have people finished the sixth section? Today‘s section takes us up to the end of chapter XVIII and the end of part 3.
Still enjoying the book? Is anyone annoying you? Do you think Aisling took the right actions in this section? Any thoughts on Elizabeth‘s marriage? Any thoughts how it will end?
Please put any posts under spoilers so as not to spoil anyone‘s reading.
#LightAPennyCandle #MaeveBinchyBuddyRead
How‘s section 5 going for you? Finished yet?
Any thoughts on this section and the developments we saw in the lives of both women? If you were speaking to either of them what would your life advice be?
Remember to put any posts under spoilers so as not to spoil the reading of others.
#MaeveBinchyBuddyRead #LightAPennyCandle
How are you going with the #MaeveBinchyBuddyRead?
Finished section 4 yet? Any thoughts on the action we saw in the section? Any thoughts what is ahead for Elizabeth or Aisling? Or what they should do next?
Please put any comments under spoilers so as not to spoil the enjoyment of others.
This is the book I‘m currently reading with @JacqMac and @Andrew65 for a Buddy Read. I‘m enjoying it very much. If you have never read Maeve Binchy, you should. She is a great storyteller.
Day 24 - #bookimcurrentlyreading #septinbooks18
#lightapennycandle #maevebinchy #buddyread
Have people finished the second section yet? What are thoughts so far? Any ideas what will happen? Will
Elizabeth go back to Ireland?
Are you enjoying it.
#LightAPennyCandle #MaeveBinchyBuddyReaf
Please put comments as spoilers so as not to spoil other‘s enjoyment?
Finally getting a moment to hide away and start my #MaeveBinchyBuddyRead #LightAPennyCandle Check out @Andrew65 post if you want to join in. It‘s all very informal and fun.